Expensive Speaker Cable

NAC A5 is good and was selected by Naim after testing a range of alternatives. I’m just not sure why Naim then brought out Lumia cable.

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This Naim R&D I understand, was paid for using the proceeds of Naim’s settlement with BICC et al, over the cloning of NAC A4, for Linn, Exposure, etc.

Because … £39 per metre is perceived as Too Cheap by some…?

Can someone please enlighten me why anyone with even a brain cell still working would want to pay this amount of dosh ?

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Listen to one and you will know why :laughing:

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They even have gold , a level up from the Odin :sweat_smile:

With my ears, after playing stages through loud and ultimately very loud amplifiers since 1958 I doubt it very much ……

I will only go for the Valhalla 2 … toooooo ex for the Odin :grimacing:

Have a try listen and you will hear the difference … seriously :smile:

Sorry, I’m still sane….and even if I did it would have to be one hell of an improvement to justify £37K for a bit of wire……for that money I’d want the actual band not a recording :crazy_face::guitar::blush:



A small variation on the subject being discussed …

Again in the 70’s when HiFi was becoming ‘serious’ I wrote a readers’ letter to HiFi News and Record Review on the subject of Mains Supply.

It was a wind up , I said that I had been on holiday in Scotland and noted that the Systems I had heard, where the mains was generated by Hydroelectric Power seemed much cleaner sound wise than those back in Bolton where it was coal ….

The letter actually started a serious debate …

I rest my case on Snake Oil ….




Possibly because customers seeing what other cable providers said they felt they couldn’t be taken seriously if they didn’t also sell high end cables?

In the end Naim still sells the NACA5.


I think you’re correct.

Ya… naim never into silver over copper , or maybe when building the statement , they realised it works very well

Super lumina was born during the statement phase

Because Naim felt that SL was just possibly better than A5?

Ridiculous, I know.

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Going from a cheap hi-fi cable to a less cheap one, convinced my wife that cables did matter. A number of times I have upgraded she has said she prefers the component I have just replaced!

My tip with cables is to always buy second hand as they hold their value much less than electronics such as Naim do.


No Argument Here…!!

Cannot recall when I last bought any cable, ‘new’…?

Speaker Cables, Interconnects, etc - all mine are pre-loved… :crazy_face: