Expensive Speaker Cable

This is their gold cable :laughing:

Do you have any more for us today or just these two humble ones?

Bear in mind it’s all relative. There are loads of people (a majority perhaps) who think anyone who listens on more than their phone is a delusional moron. They certainly think a modest Arcam, Denon or whatever system is insanity for no benefit. There are whole YouTube videos dedicated to rants against audiophiles for buying things a lot less expensive than 5m of NA5.


These you are wrong and stupid, I am right and clever discussions is why we have war in this crazy world.


There’s always going to be someone who for whatever reason thinks a Rolex or IWC or Omega watch is a waste of money, that a Porsche is overpriced and on and on. FYI there are really excellent cables that don’t cost a crazy amount. I noticed that the @6V6 joined our little group of aficionados 10 days ago, and his system is " Arcam" Might I suggest 6v6 that you spend some time just learning a bit about modern audio equipment… :smile:

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I changed listing my system back to Arcam as that is what I am using….it was my intention to change over to a Naim N-Vi which I purchased this week but it’s turned out to be a doorstop……unlike my Arcam which is still as good as the day I bought it.
However I shall still consider Naim and have my sights on a Uniti Atom which seems to fit my needs …

As a lifelong Electronics Engineer and Musician I probably know more about equipment than you can imagine .

and FYI I have had a Porsche 911 Carrera 4 and an Aston Martin DB5……

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Oddly, having designed and built HiFi amps, my experience doesn’t reflect yours.

Yes in the 70s & 80s I used solid core mains cable to connect speakers, before better cables became available.
Yes I have found that using better (lower impedance) connection to the main supply can help an amp perform better.
Yes I have found that where the mains has a distorted waveform (such as asymmetric +/- cycles) this can have a deleterious effect on the performance of the amplifier.

However, not all amp / speaker pairing behave the same!

(Quad 303 were very non critical because of the warm/softer sonic characteristics, and you being an electronic engineer will recognise that using multiple cables with a switch box introduces a number of additional variables that could mask differences in the cables, so may well not be the best test method.)

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I would never spend multi £000 on exotic cables - better to spend the money on better kit!l Or music!! But if I was to try any I would do blind testing to be sure I really can tell any difference I might hear, and to prevent any bias (either way) affecting my judgement,

As for differences between csbles, at the start if my hifi journey, some 55 years ago, I compared bell wire (very thin solid core at that time - essentially the cheapest insulated dual conductor cable you could get), with something much thicker and stranded (can’t remember what - I think it was long before availability of he later ubiquitous 79 strand). The heavier cable was noticeably better – I have in mind bell wire sounded muffled.

Otherwise I haven’t noticed a night and day difference between speaker cables when I have changed, just very minor or negligible At various times over the decades I’ve used 79 strand, 2.5mm2 (I think) mains flex, single core high flexibility multistrand 6mm2 combined in heatshrink outer sleeving, 2.5mm2 flat figure-of-eight speaker cable of unknown brand, and a “shotgun” 6mm2 multi strand speaker cable of unknown brand. That has not surprised me as the manufacturers of at least some of the various amps and speakers I’ve used generally only advise ordinary cables not exotic onesI imagine some amps and speakers, or possibly some combinations, will be far more susceptible to speaker characteristics than others.

I’ve used NACA5 since my brief ownership of a Nait 5, before that I used solid core twin and earth but A5 stayed once the Nait had gone. Recently I bought some Triangle Opera cable, all of €50 for 12m, soldered on some Naim speaker plugs and gave it a try for a couple of weeks and it sounded quite good, a bit less dynamic than A5 but acceptable for a tenth of the cost of A5.

At the other end my Korf arm came without a cable, I have an Ortofon cable and a Lyra phonopipe, neither exactly cheap but the phonopipe is five times more. They suit different cartridges with the phonopipe preferable with an SPU Century into my superline and currently doing a fine job with a Goldring 1042 into a stageline while my Proteus is on the Aro. The Proteus on the Korf was preferable with the Ortofon cable sounding too analytical with the Lyra the Ortofon also winning out with a Denon 103.
One thing that always sounded wrong to me was the silver litz headshell wires Korf supplied.



I am currently using WH SN2 which I purchased as part of a full cable upgrade from the standard SNAIC etc and through changes in kit and upgrades it has remained in place. Tried solid core mains back in the eighties did make a huge difference.

Your road tax is out of date. :wink: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

You’re road tax is out of date. :wink: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Forget my road tax and get yourself some lessons in grammar ……

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I thought I was being helpful.

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Simple. ‘You’re’ is short for ‘ you are’. Which in your sentence isn’t grammatically correct. You should have written ‘Your road tax is out if date’.


I don’t get it.
Then I get If date. :wink:

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Not necessarily. But some of them are.

As @Richard.Dane alluded to the old Quad33/303 had a very 70’s old-fashioned sound. Lovely as it was it was hardly the pinnacle of dynamic ability or resolution. So what applied then, and to that particular amp, doesn’t necessarily follow with today’s gear.

There are lots of tales similar to this floating around - one comes across them from time to time. You know the sort of thing - “Mr.X played his £200 system to me and it beat the pants of my £10K set-up. So is it really worth paying more than around £200 for a music system?”

What can we conclude? Very little actually IMO. Don’t take these stories too seriously. They are interesting and intriguing, and may sometimes have a grain of truth in them.

But as a basis for coming to sensible conclusions about what it’s worth spending they carry very little or no weight.

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I am going to have trouble forgetting that image