Exposing the unaware to the hifi experience

Interestingly enough, a new home build company here are running TV commercials about how their homes can be custom designed - and show a guy sitting in a dedicated listening room playing records!

You think thieves are using that show to “case joints”? I guess it’s possible, but I’d think that it’s fairly unlikely.

I gave up explaining what I see as the benefits of good hifi years ago. On reflection I realised it’s as much a waste of time as one of my golfing friends explaining the merits of one make of club over another. Never been remotely interested in golf and have no interest in the kit.

I don’t think Mrs Bluedog even realises the rather splendid sound coming from our Samsung TV is delivered through the Naim / Kudos kit - though the odd visitor will query the quality of the sound from a LCD panel.

Yes, one mans, (or woman’s) great hifi feature Is another’s cringeworthy mistake. I recall one such encounter where the proud owner showed off their Bluetooth turntable Connected to a portable speaker. They were so appalled when I mentioned cables, how backward!

Perhaps they had been traumatised by reading one of our cable threads?


They couldn’t understand why one would need such old fashioned technology.

To be fair it did have one benefit, you could put a record on and listen in the kitchen, garden, dining room etc.

:blush: no not casing it, but avoiding the attentions of the chancers and the light-fingered types who just happen to spot it…

Where we live being on tv is still a novelty that generates a bit of chat, not all of it positive. It’s not a large mental leap to assume that one or two would join the dots and take advantage of this sudden discovery of a treasure trove of domestic electronics, and if you’ve spent that much on a stereo what else must be in there…

I’d rather not. :blush:

But as I said earlier, given that the houses featured are for sale, and the programme aired typically a year later, you might expect to have moved before anyone’s covetous eyes see it.

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