Extreme toe in Neats Motive SX2 did the job

I did the Ken Ishiwata (Marantz) extreme toe in set up with my Neat SX2, crossing each other at 1 m before the listening spot (with laser level). Speakers at about 1,9 m between each other and about 80 cm from rear wall.

YESSSSSSSSS finally everything falls in place after months/years of dissapointments.

It sounds lively but not fatigue, bass is speedy and punchy without pounderous, soundstage is wide and 3D and still tighly focused. You can sit on the couch on the left hand speaker side and still hear everything.

Very happy.



Might try that with my ATC SCM 11 that I just can’t seem to get right after a year.

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Interesting! With my room configuration, (speakers needs to be each side of a small 3 places couch) I can’t afford to make this a permanent setup, but I will definitely give this a try. Thanks!

yes try it, it is a free upgrade :smiley:

How far is the seating position from the speakers please ?

about 2,2 m

I’ve always found around 15 degrees (max) of toe-in is enough to get sucked into this ‘whole sound stage thing’ to be more than enough for Motive SX2’s.

Are you using NAC A5 with SA8s at the amp end and Deltrons at the speaker end? Soldered to a very high standard? :wink:

2x5 m NACA5 with Deltrons at both sides :smiley:

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no Naim plugs at both sides

I too have used Naim plugs at both ends with Motive SX2’s to very good effect. More contact area = less insertion loss :grin:

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