It’s almost certainly a networking issue. You need to turn it all off and then turn things on sequentially; router, switch, Naim.
Thanks HH have tried that 4 times to date. Not Probably should have added the Uniti is hard wired the Muso is WiFi…. It seems to be since the Naim App has updated…. Will try again.
I suppose I don’t understand why it works and then stops working after a few minutes and in particular the upgrade your firmware message I get.
4.8 is the latest version.
One issue you may have with Tidal is that they have abandoned MQA coding and now are offering hi res recordings instead. But the green screen streamers and unitis can’t handle hi res from Tidal, nor is it possible for Naim to update them because of hardware limitations in the Naim streamers. I believe there is a similar problem with gen 1 musos.
That may be what Tidal is trying to tell you. However if you select only CD quality streams, then those should still work ok.
The “upgrade your firmware” message may be intended for Naim customers who have the possibility to upgrade their firmware for the new Tidal hi res service. That’s gen 2 musos, Atom, Star, Nova, NDX2 etc and New Classics of course.
Thank you David. Makes sense I suppose will adjust the Tidal settings and see what happens… shame if that is the case.
I can play the Tidal Max on my NDS, within a Roon environment.
Here the Roon Server deals with the Tidal stream & its internet based servers.
The NDS gets a UPnP stream from the local Roon Server.
The NDS is not marshalling the internet based stream, just a local one, as if it was on a local library. So formats upto 44/192, DSD are possible, as just with the MQA formats previously with Tidal Masters.
I’m completely new to this site. My topic is: firmware 4.8 download to update ND5XS is nowhere to be found (again). I tried everything suggested in the above messages. Biut nothing seems to work. Rather frustrating. Who can help me out please? I’m using MacBook. Thanks in advance
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