Firmware upgrade problems on Unitiqute

Hi all, I am trying to update firmware from 4.04 to 4.08 using 232 to usb cable which I have used before. It starts updating and gets anywhere from 3 to 72% then I get a communications error. Currently it is only offering to abort but it I select that it tells me it could make the device unstable or unusable. Screen is saying Firmware upgrade do not turn off.
Earlier message said to contact Naim but they are closed.
Any ideas to get round this please?

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Have you got the Qute connected to an Ethernet cable? It’s important that you do this. You are told to connect the laptop by Ethernet too, but I never bothered and it was always fine.

If the update is stuck there is little you can do other than turn the Qute off, let it fire up, and then try the update again. Just ensure the Qute is wired and not on wifi.

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Thanks for speedy reply. Yes the qute is on network connection, laptop is on same network but via wifi. The uploading firmware process is where it fails every time. I havent tried the laptop on cable connection so could try that. TBC

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Maybe it’s worth downloading the update file again. I can’t see why it would help but you never know! Do try the laptop wired as well, at least then if you have to call Naim you can say you followed the instructions.

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I wonder if the initial stage of the update necessitates uploading the software to an onboard memory(cache?) which then executes itself to the processor chip… and consequently if that minute memory gets clogged with a partial update, it cannot clear itself. Nothing more than my theory and mad workings of my mind. This has made me very nervous now to upgrade my NAC N 272 firmware.

I am “sure” there was a really really good reason that new firmware became a necessity… right

The upgrade is delivered in two stages, part by USB, and part by the network, which is why both connections are required at the same time. I would guess that one of these connections isn’t working properly (perhaps more likely the network) resulting in the update failing to complete.

The 4.8 update is important for Tidal users, and has a number of other fixes for iRadio etc. depending on what version you are on currently. I would certainly do it.

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