Firmwares versions, history and release notes

G’day everyone,
Happy new year to all of you naim lovers.
I have been doing a bit of research on the forum but didn’t find what I am looking for.
Is there a way, for a given device category, to see the entire history of firmwares versions ( with date and release notes) ?
I see some post announcing updates for this device or that one but not a reference page with them?
Thanks and have a lovely and musical weekend y’all.

This is the only list I’m aware of. It doesn’t include the ‘over the air’ updates you get with current products.

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I checked that one but it doesn’t seem to match what my Nova said, as being

The real answer is no there is no such history published by Naim.

You can see the last couple of firmware revisions for legacy streamers and servers, but you can’t see further back than that nor anything for other legacy products such as CD players and amplifiers, nor for more modern streaming products that update “over the air”.

So it’s a no.

What would you do with the information if you had it?

Well it’s always interesting to see what was fixed and when. Working in IT, release notes are always a must have and must read.

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Major updates are usually notified and posted about on here by me, so you could conduct a search of the forum and compile a history if it really interests you.

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