Focal 926 vs 926 k2

Hi all. I have run 906 along with other speakers over the past few years. I am going to buy 926 or 926 k2 as a second pair for listening to thinner sounding recordings. Has anyone heard the difference? I don’t want a slow, undefined bass, and I’m not into sub bass, just after a slightly larger, more dynamic sound. I have heard many speakers and really enjoy the 906(upgraded crossover), hence the 926. Running a Nova and have 202,200 with power supplies in storage. Thanks.

I’m not sure of the differences but there appear to be good deals on the 926, some dealers have them new at half price, I guess they are making way for the new Aria Evo X

I guess not many people own the 926 k2. I expected a few responses from owners. The 936 k2 has some great reviews, so at least that is a good indicator.

I ordered a pair of 926 K2, the dealer sent me a heavily used set, not packed correctly and therefore damaged. They have been a nightmare and I still need a refund.
I have now bought a pair from Peter Tyson, who have been brilliant in the past, and again spot on.
So I,m running in the speakers on the end of my Nova with Nac A5. Obviously, the first half hour, they were poor. After this, so far I am absolutely amazed at how brilliant these speakers sound. I have yet to find a negative. Trying all sorts of music.
Will post again in a week to let interested people have my opinion.

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Just a follow up for anyone considering 926 K2.

I,m really enjoying the music running with a nova via nac a5 cable. These are a very big step up from my 906 that are still here, and better than my TG 761 speakers. They have far more refinement, 3d stage, smoothness, and dynamics than standard 906. Immediately, voices have much more clarity and presence in the room. It’s easy to hear the lyrics clearly. Drums and other dynamic instruments stand out with impact. The treble is much better balanced and integrated than 906 and is never harsh or over the top. I streamed “Yello 40 years”. I,ve never heard treble float in the air in the middle of my room as if it is not coming from the speakers. And that treble is sweet.

For me, the bass is spot on. It’s very controlled and textured with a touch of warmth. If you like lots of bass, you will probably need to look at something else.

So, all in this is the best bargain in my 45 years or so of buying hifi gear.

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I understand what you write. I heared the 926 at my dealer with a xs3 / nd5xs2 and they had a very pleasant sound. The bass is there, but not overloaded. It’s a bit like b&w but without the overdone upper/mid bass.

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