Focal Aria K2 936 or Kef r7 (not meta)

Dear people who knows and have heard speakers,

I live in a town where there aren´t any hifi stores, so am limited in auditioniong new speakers.
My budget is restrained and I started looking for a used pair of KEF r11´s, just because I had heard them and liked them.

Couldnt find any, but was offered a good deal for a new pair of Focal K2 936. I talked to the guy at the store and his unput, together with extensive reading and youtube-watching, made me think those speakers could match my taste even better then the KEFs.

But then I an ad for a used pair of KEF r7´s in mint condition showed up. These speakers would set me back just half the money I would spend in the Focals. But I want to make a long term decision as I tend to stick to speakers for many years.

So before I go spending a day in the car to go and audition the Focals, what could I expect from choosing the focals over the KEF´s?

My hifi stuff:
Rotel RC1590mkii
Rotel RB1582mkii
Naim Nd5XS2
fairly good cables

I appreciate all the input I can get, as the Focals would cost more and are farther away to go and audition/pick up, and the KEF´s are an hour away drive. But I lean towards thinking the focals are the better choice, but I don´t have any substantial reasoning for that leaning.

One thing i´m wondering is the higher sensitivite on the focals. How does that manifest soundwise? Are they more like in your face party rock and roll etc, and the KEF´s are more laid back fine listening? Or are they more similar to each other than I imagine?

Please, someone give me something, I think the KEFs will be sold soon if I don´t grab them :sweat_smile:

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Get the kefs. If you don’t like them sell them on, but remember you liked the 11s.
There will always be another deal on the focals.
If it were me, kefs.

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Perhaps the single most important thing to get right in HiFi is matching the speakers to your room. Other people’s opinions or experiences are of little help with this.
That aside, personally I would try the Kefs, but don’t rule out the possibility that you nay need to sell them on and try something else if they don’t work for you.

Thanks, Thats all I needed. Thanks!

2 out of 2 says KEF. Thanks alot, I just needed someine to weigh in. KEFs it is.

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I’ve got Focal Aria 936s with 82 Supercap and 2 x 135s, sources CDS2, NDS with 555PS and LP12.

I had Linn Kelidhs before the focals. The 936s go much louder, more in your face kind of speakers. Great played extremely loud and also very good lower listening levels.

Linn Kelidhs were more classic British old school speakers and were lovely. But I prefer the more modern speaker.

Not to everyones tastes Focal. Bit of a love hate relationship out there on this forum.


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