Focal Bathys - Latest thoughts

Hi a few old posts from 2023 mentioning volume increment issues, but wondering if anyone has any longer term listening, product quality views, firmware, as looking to final take the plunge.

Also are they controlled, updated via the Naim/Focal app ?
Oh and is there any chance of an impending Bathys MK2 ?

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Search Head-fi .org for review and comments from users. Focal Bathys - Wireless ANC Over-Ear Headphone is the thread.

I don’t own Bathys as I no longer commute. I suspect that the only indication of a new version will be the discounting of the current one at dealers. I’m happy with my Focal Clear MG which are wired.


Thanks @Stokie but they are 2021-2022, was wondering if any newer reviews.

I wish more places did long term reviews of stuff both to know how well they hold up and because of firmware updates can change so much these days.


Agreed and i don’t like places like Reddit as comments are OTT.

They indeed get upgrades through the Naïm app IMO, that allows to configure settings too (equalizer, NC mode or lights on the sides of the HP, etc).

After several months of use, I am personally not so happy about the product, because of the volume thresholds issue that you mention and that I could not cure after HOURS of searching on various forums and trying various ideas (use is on iPhone 15). In the end, it remains « too loud or not enough » all the time (in DAC mode especially), which really keeps you frustrated (when it’s too low) or gives you a headache (when it’s too loud, since trebles are a bit harsh, too).

Sound quality is higher than standard noice cancelling headphones (Bose especially), but of course miles away from good open-back HP with a good HP amp (in my case, Naim Atom HE with Meze 109 Pro). But the noice cancelling on trains or buses is really average.

Hope this helps! I would really recommend many hours of demo before buying…


« But the handful of Focal headphones I’ve auditioned—I haven’t heard the Utopia—never quite hit the spot for me. I found they had too much top-end energy for my tastes—a little bit of a zingy character. So the fact that I liked the Bathys as much as I did came as a bit of a surprise. In Bluetooth mode, even without EQ or Mimi, I found it impactful, punchy, and convincing. Its treble seemed better controlled this time—or at least, better tuned to my liking. I’ve heard Emmylou Harris’s Wrecking Ball destroyed by hot treble and excessive sibilance, but the Bathys reproduced the album with poise and sangfroid. No aggressive sss sounds or overly wet ch s and t s »

Sonically, the Bathys sacrifices little accuracy even over Bluetooth and kicks it up a notch once DAC mode is engaged. It hits the bullseye so confidently that the $700 asking price seems on the modest side.

« That said, I often still prefer using the $249 Apple AirPods Pro 2 »

STEREOPHILE 2024 review

Hope it will help you my friend.

Bathys launched in Oct 22, so there might be a wait for a new version. Nothing I’ve been able to find indicates that the volume issue has been solved. Some people have had issues updating the Firmware. It would be good if Bathys users let us have their views now the product is maturing. New kit always gets reviewed, but there is less interest in older models unless it becomes ‘a classic’. Focal have recently released two new wired headphones, so perhaps they will turn their attention to Bathys again.

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Thank you, two key takeaways for me is so so ANC and SQ not that good, but better than the main ANC types.

Thank you my freind, didnt spot this review.

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Thanks yes i dont want to go back to multi IEM, hearphones, i gave up on my old Fiio IEM with the AQ Cobalt and for 2 years now managed to live with Samsung Buds2Pro, ordered the Buds3 Pro but they are being recalled so the itch started due to more travel, so wanted better ANC and of couse SQ, hence the Bathys as i also own Focal speakers.

£700 is allot for headphones offering mediocre ANC, better SQ but a dead duck if you run out of charge.

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I’m on the latest firmware and I love mine. I mostly use them wirelessly for calls and music on Windows PC and iPhone.


I use Sony xm5’s - perfect for planes and trains and can be had at a good price - the 4’s were also excellent.

The bathys look cool but I’ve always been under with focal headphones so never explored them.

Given the cost and positive reviews of the Sony’s I’m not really getting the price point on the Bathy’s……

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Yeah, I used to own various Sony XM over, In and Neck types, but sold up and moved to Samsung Buds Pro.

Thank you all for your help, it has helped me realise (again) a jack of all trades is what i want, i.e. Qobuz HiRes on the Go, Calls, Travelling ANC, small and discrete.

I may still babbled with the Bathys but thinking for my criteria the SQ does not justify the other trade offs.

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For mobile use, I don’t think you can beat the Sony WH-1000XM4
The noise cancellation is great on public transport.
At around £200 they don’t attract unwanted attention either. Not tried the 5, but most people seem to think it’s a minor improvement

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My 4’s were kidnapped by my teenage daughter so I bought some 5’s - not materially better per se.

As you say great value and they tick all the boxes for mobile use on public transport.

My XM4 went to CeX the Samsung Buds Pro2 sounded better and allot more functional, easier on the ear comfort wise, but ANC not as good.

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