Focal Headphones for SN3?


I am considering adding headphones for my SN3. I will use the built in headphone amp. I would like to keep the cost to less than $2000,if possible. I see myself as a periodic headphone user. How are the Focal headphones? Open back preferred. When I had a Rega system I was using their GS1000 phones. They were ok but not special. I liked the SQ of the RS1 but found them super uncomfortable and gave up. Many years ago I had Stax. When I had the Grado and Stax phones, I had a separate headphone amp. Not looking to have that now. Suggestions for Focal?

The range topping Utopia are superb, but unfortunately outside of your budgetā€¦.
I think the next model down that is open backed is the Clear Mg, which seem to be well regarded alsoā€¦.

I personally have the Elear and original Clear models (both now discontinued), used with the Atom HE and a DAC-V1.ā€¦I actually generally prefer the Elear, even though they preceded the Clear and were cheaperā€¦The Clear are certainly that, more detail and clarity, but for me there is a little warmth lost that the Elear have and that my ears likedā€¦.
I was told that the Clear Mg addressed this very issue, ie combined the two virtues of those modelsā€¦.but I havenā€™t personally tried them.

I have no idea what the level of headphone amp replay is in the SN3, though I should imagine itā€™s decent being a recent integratedā€¦Iā€™m sure the Clear Mg would be a match, but whether the Utopia would be under-utilised may be a fair considerationā€¦.

As an overall, I find Focal headphones very good and their main forteā€¦Iā€™m not really a big fan of their loudspeakers however. One of the main negatives for me with most of their headphone models is the styling/colourways, an acquired taste, much like their loudspeakers! (I actually nearly added the closed back Stelia recently as they were at a good cost saving and wanted to have a pinnacle closed back option, but I just couldnā€™t get round the looksā€¦!) Another reason I have my plans on the Utopia ā€“ theyā€™re mostly plain black!


Is there something close to the Utopia in terms of SQ while being slightly less extensive

Yes, the Clear Mg I believeā€¦.
If you shop around, they can often be found on offerā€¦

I have Grado Hemp headphones (a limited edition, apparently), perfect for the headphone jack of the Nait 50.

Thanks. I find Grado very uncomfortable. I had the RS1 and they were torture.

The new RS1 (RS1x) has a much larger and softer redesigned ear pad. People say it is far more comfy. It certainly looks more ā€˜conventionalā€™. I love what my RS1e (old style pad) do, and I think they are great value.

Meze get very good reviews on here, and look good value but not tried myself. I liked my planar-magnetic Quad ERA-1, and they were easy to drive and OK for comfort/weight. Fast, clean and enjoyable without fatigue. I have tried two of the pricier Focal models and must admit not to my taste.

Headphones are very personal, not least for comfort. Demo or a sale/return trial period essential.


Those old Gradoā€s as good as they sounded were just too uncomfortable I agree.

As much as I want to love focal headphones as they look wonderful I have never been impressed with how they sound.

Having tried a few headphones (worth putting in the effort and demoing for sure) I settled on some HIfiman edition xs not the prettiest per se but comfort and sound they hit the spot for my needs.

For occasional use spending 2k seems a tad excessive - I was going to spend something like that but having tried high end offerings Focalā€™s, Sennheiser, Meze and Stax the Hifiman editions on an Amazon deal hit the spot and those high end models left me underwhelmed.



$2K for headphones :money_mouth_face:

Here I thought my Beyerdynamic at $200 were expensive :sweat_smile:

For your price range the Focal Clear MG are a match, I have owned these, along with Elear and now Utopia, they are very good headphones, the Elears are also a good buy on the second hand market.

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Iā€™d be interested in how you found the style of the Clear Mg, especially as you have had the original Clear and know the Elearsā€¦.

As I said in my earlier post, I was told the Mg were something of a cross between the Clear and Elear models, which sounds attractive to meā€¦.I was going to get a pair when they were on drastically reduced discount some months back but missed stock of themā€¦ā€¦I canā€™t decide whether to still aim to get them at some stage or just wait and throw my chips down on the Utopia (which I have listened to on the HE and likedā€¦.I just donā€™t know, for the money involved, if anything else out there gets closeā€¦.?)


Apologies, typo, now corrected. I have never owned the original Clear just the Clear MG and before that the Elears, now the Utopias.

Ah OK, not to worry.
Iā€™m sure the OP would value your thoughts on the Mg ā€“ as weā€™ve said, theyā€™re probably the most suitable level for a SN3ā€¦.I believe all the recent Naim Headphone amplifiers (internal and standalone) are voiced with Focal cansā€¦.



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