Forum member provides inspiration for Thought For The Day on BBC R4

Thought For The Day on BBC R4 this morning (6/2/24) was introduced by Dr Rachel Mann, Archdeacon of Bolton and Salford. Her talk was inspired by an iconic photograph of The Smiths taken by forum member @sjw and was on the nature of pilgrimage.

At the time of writing, the BBC have not put up the link to today’s Today programme but the piece starts at 07.47am and should be easily findable.

Congratulations @sjw !


Salford lad here :+1:t2:

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Friday 13 1985… a dark rainy day in Salford

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Very funny really and I don’t know how many monks there are on Salford. Years ago though there were Native American Indian people who had come over as part of a cowboy show which I found quite impressive. I gave the Salford lads club and image for a year for a t-shirt which raised £65k to fund a trip to the States and visit where the native American people came from.

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