Furutech Discussion

Crimping is almost always preferable to soldering. The only place that soldering is necessary is on PCB’s otherwise a good crimp sounds better and is much more reliable. Almost all the connections in modern cars are crimped, military and NASA are crimped. Solder can develop cracks, and cold joints. JMO

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You’re most welcome I’m glad I could help. :+1:t2:

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Although isn’t crimping frowned upon inside today’s loudspeakers ?
I recall several articles suggesting bad practice crimping the cables to those little clip in jobs instead of soldering.

I think that’s probably in relation to what type of crimp is used. If they use those standard quality connectors you find in any big box store, no that’s not ideal. If they use a good quality connector, then a crimp connection can still be good (though I prefer a good quality solder connection).


Depends on the thickness of wire and connection. Too many solder connections involved a bucket too large for the wire and it needs flooding with solder. This is why Naim plugs are soo very good. I used solder where the connection and wire are well matched. Crimp when solder would be difficult. I have no concerns at all about the quality of a good crimp that totally deforms the wire and connection into one giving a superb and airtight bond.

Very much a case of right connection for the specifics of the job in my experience rather than one being superior to the other.

If I see crimps inside a speaker or hifi box, I don’t pass judgement.

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Unfortunately, after 1 week, as I ordered the Chord M6,Powerhaus, a dealer informed me today that the M6 is no longer made with Shukko plugs.
So I ordered a Furutech 609e

It’s made on order only, in Japan. So maybe 6 weeks wait.

Hope I will be not dissatisfied :grinning:


Have you tried asking a different dealer ?
The current Chord advertisement shows
“ Available in Euro, UK and Aus/NZ variants “

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Thanks for sharing. If you have received the Furutech 609, it would be very interesting to hear your experiences. Furutech Power distributors are not so common here in the forum.


@frenchrooster, I know nothing of the Chord Powerhaus but I’d say its fairly likely the Furutech product comes with far superior outlets/IEC inlets. Keep us posted on how you make out with it once it arrives.

As for me, I think I’ve purchased my last pair of FI-50 NCF(R) connectors (that is unless I try a “NCF Powerline”, which is still in the back of my mind). This will make 7 50 NCF(R) ends now, which include both ends on the cable from wall to powerbar, both ends on my DAC, both ends on my phono stage & a male end on my Streamer. The 15+ R in the pic is to make a cord for my TT power supply (S022N, FI-28G IEC).

I have mentioned above a few times about my new PC’s with the FI-50 NCF(R) ends taking ~400hrs before they settled down & after that not noticing the big swings in balance & just improvements after that. I can say now that, that appears to be related to the current draw of the device, when connected to just low current draw, the burn in will likely be much longer. When just connected to my streamer & then DAC, the FI-50 NCF(R)/S55N combo still wasn’t run in after 3-4 weeks, that combo needed more like 5-6 weeks (the smaller S022N wire w/ FI-50M NCF(R) & FI-28(G) combo was somewhere in between).


I’m also interested in hearing your thoughts. I’ve already blown my 2023 hifi budget but this is on my list for the new year.

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I serious thought about this unit when I heard about it as I like Chord products. However it’s been well over a year and still no announcement about them arriving in North America. I contacted Chord directly and they said it’s tied up in regulations or something like that.

In the meantime I’m loving what that Wall socket has done to my system. Even with a pre-burn-in the unit has had plenty of ups and downs. Everything and I mean everything you mentioned has happened to me. Over the last week it’s been wonderfully stable and I’m really enjoying it.


He asked Chord directly….

OK, but I am still sceptical.
Let’s see, time will tell.

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Would be curious if you could compare - better sockets and wiring from Furutech vs the ARAY noise suppression from Chord M6?


They ordered it from Chord. One week later they responded them ( Analogue Seduction) that they don’t do the Shukko anymore. Why should I doubt?
They offered me the same price for the Furutech, which is 600 euros more expensive. They even advised me the Niagara, which is half less costly.

I will never happen, as there’s no EU M6 model. But yes, I would like too.

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Analogue Seduction are a UK dealer, I wonder why they called them. I would not expect a UK dealer to carry an EU Type F ( Schuko ) product.
Why not call the French Chord distributor ….
2 Avenue du Coeur de l’Ouest, PA de l’Oseraye, 44390 Puceul
www . stentor-distribution .fr/

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Are Analog Seduction managing to duck import tax issues? I see they price in Euros but can’t find mention of how they handle the paperwork into the EU.
I’ve stopped ordering from the UK directly except as a last resort, especially if there’s a risk DHL or the like will be involved. It is a bit random though. I ordered some albums direct from UK artists (The Unthanks) on two occasions in the last year, the first time the package was just delivered, the second I had to pay La Poste for some import Tax, or maybe it was TVA, it was an extra €20 anyway on top of £60 for the records and they wanted it as a cheque, I’d forgotten about them before moving to France.

Glade to hear it. I still haven’t made up my mind about power distribution, currently just the one GTX-D NCF R in the powerbar itself feeding the DAC & phono. Streamer is currently plugged into the spare spot in the NCF wall outlet, as it has a FI-50 NCF R end on it & I don’t want to plug into one of the other outlets in my powerbar as their still just cryo Hubbels & don’t want to damage the plating. So not sure if I want to add another NCF outlet or two to my current power bar or swap it for the 609 NCF or the top of the line Audio Sensibility I mentioned above. My DIY powerbar is nice with an NCF R inlet, thick aluminum extrusion, 12awg OCC solid core copper & Still Points ERS cloth but the others probably have better physical isolation & dampening.

Just put in the new FI-50 NCF/S55N combo on my phono & S022 based cord on my TT power supply, so now time for another long run in.


I’m still waiting for my budget to recover from the Holidays before I get serious about a Powerbar. I almost forgot about the Audio Sensibility unit, thanks for the reminder it’s definitely something to consider. Luckily my AVOptions SuperWiremold still does an admirable job that’s only been enhanced with the GTX- D NCF outlet.

I feel for you with another long run in but at least you know it’s coming. Well worth it but time consuming for sure.