Furutech Discussion

I think it is important for people to remember, or at least check, what they can and can’t do. In the UK you can do minor repairs, maintenance etc so replacing an existing double/single socket for a furutech one is ok. But it has to be like for like. So not an EU socket etc.

I think what’s more important though, even when it’s within regs, is to only do it if you know what you’re doing. No sound improvement is worth going up in a blue flash!


As the OP & probably the first to post on here about outlets, I for sure was not recommending for anyone in the UK to use a non-UK style outlet, & I don’t believe anyone else was either. Furutech make equivalent versions for most areas. I just assumed we were all big boys here & had enough common sense to only use what’s code in your own specific area & installed by someone who has proper qualifications to do so.

So for those that don’t, if you’re following this thread, no one on here is recommending any outlets that don’t pass code in your own country. Please only purchase what is code in your own country & have it installed by someone who is qualified to do so. I believe we can continue now?


Take nothing for granted.

Better safe than dead.

Natural selection? :joy:

Be safe everyone!


One slight embuggerance. The robot vacuum cleaner managed to dislodge the plug from the Furutech wall socket enough to un power the system. That never happened with the French type socket and its earth pin.

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Now that’s a new one.
Robot vacuum freak out cats and unplug systems :laughing:

I have also had the problem that the robot cleaner has moved the neatly laid cables. However, it has never pulled the Schuko Furutech plug out of the Furutech socket. It sits very firmly (at least in the Schuko version).

You think that’s bad. Just search YouTube for “Roomba meets dog poo”.

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A case of the fan hitting the …

Fortunately I have neither dog nor cat.

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I have succumbed to the temptation and got a used DPS4.1 with the older FI-25(R) plugs. It won’t be installed in the system at the moment as I’m still waiting for the newly acquired Wireworld interconnect to complete the burn-in process. I will be focusing on the top-of-the-range Acrolink interconnect as my final cable upgrade after this as I finally found that the interconnects are also rather important, after I manage to raise the funds. :grin:


Are you sure you haven’t bought a garden hose? :wink:


Nice ryder :+1:

Do you know if the FI25’s are pure copper base metal or do they have phosphor bronze? I might be a bit concerned if their not pure copper as the DPS-4.1 is a very transparent bulk cable. As I said, if funds allow in the future, I’d highly recommend the FI-50 NCF(R) ends to actually hear what the 4.1 is capable of, sonically they should be significantly different to all the lower versions.


Thanks. I managed to find some information on the FI-25…

FI-25(R) - non-magnetic (alpha) phosphor bronze main conductor electrode parts
FI-25M(R) - non-magnetic (alpha) pure copper main conductor electrode parts

FI-50 (R) NCF will be considered in the future if there is opportunity.


Great, and look forward to your listening experience!


Good info, if you find any harshness to the cable, I wouldn’t blame the DPS, it’ll likely be from the ends (might be one of those things where you don’t realize there is any harshness, until you swap ends & its no longer there). Normally I’d say if you’re just getting one end to start, go with the male to match the plating on your outlet but in this case, I’d swap the IEC first, getting that phosphor bronze out of there should be a noticeable improvement.


You know, I’ve often wondered if you beat a home intruder to death with one of their cables, rather than a more obvious weapon, could you get away with it? I don’t think it would take more than a couple swings with my Furutech Empire to make mince meat of a burglar.


I think I experienced that famous up and down burn-in I’ve heard about certain with Furutech products. Last night I wouldn’t say my system was unlistenable just that it lost the clear and open midrange that I’ve experienced up til this point with the Furutech outlet. It was a little shouty if that makes sense.

I’m not too worried as everyone says this is typical. I’m glad my dealer offered his burn-in service and I accepted. He and everyone else says 500 hours, at least I’m almost done.

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Sounds like it, I didn’t find the swings as big or as many of them with the pre burnt in outlets vs the non burnt in connectors, but they are still noticeable. After 2 weeks (~350hrs) should give you a pretty good idea & didn’t find anymore ups & down after this points, just improvements till somewhere ~500hrs.

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Good to hear. I did switch beers last night so that could be part of the issue! :slight_smile:
Anyway hopefully tonight the magic will be back.

Don’t be too concerned if it doesn’t sound great a couple nights in a row either, as this can happen.

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