Furutech Discussion

Most probably didn’t even know this existed but for those who want the very best in power distribution, have a look at the Furutech Pure Power 6 NCF, looks like its ~5x the cost of the e-TP609 NCF!


I’ve also seen a Furutech e-TP809. Both the Furutech e-TP809 and this Pure Power 6 NCF are out of my price range.

Yes, this seems to be a really crazy device (price 12k). If you google, then you easy find, that it clearly outperfoms the E-TP609E and works best with the Furutech Project-V1 Power Chord (price 10k). You see, the high end heaven is really endless. The Pure Power 6E plays in another league and should be compared to Shunyata Everest 8000 or similar. There is also the Furutech E-TP 809 in between. The E-TP 809 has probably been discontinued and is no longer on the Furutech website. There are some discounted exhibition models on the market at the moment. This may be an option for those for whom the steps up to the high-end Pure Power 6 heaven are perhaps too high after all. I use only E-TP60 NCF, which is on the opposite side of the high end heaven. But I think it sounds good and it was an improvement compared to the Sun Audio Power Strip, that I used before. I enjoy the music with the E-TP60 as well….

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I’m still eyeing the e-TP609 version. You are right if you have to have the best be prepared to spend big.

Funny you mention the power cord this is the piece I tend to forget when dreaming about the e-TP609. I’ll have to budget for the perfect cord to plug into the distributor. It never ends. Lol

I’ve done some research. There are two owners on the What’sBestForum who have this Furutech Pure Power 6 in the system. It’s said to be an endgame piece which is better than a component upgrade, and also much better than the TP609.

Well, at that price I will have to strike a lottery first. However I have to admit it does appeal to me as I acknowledge the benefits and importance of good power management in a system. The PP6 weighs 10kg so it’s one solid piece. FWIW the heaviest component in my system is the power conditioner, coming in at 45 kg.

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Bought a used FI-31 (G) to put on my Puritan power cable.



Is this to feed the Puritan/all your kit? Wondering if you shouldn’t have gone with a connector higher up the range, with your level of kit? Looks like the FI-31G uses phosphor bronze as a base metal, which anytime I’ve swapped a cord with phosphor bronze to one with pure copper as a base metal I’ve noticed a reduction in harshness.


Got it at a good price and it’s part of a journey I’ve started in evaluating connectors. Any suggestions on connectors? Iego seems to be popular and so does Viborg. In terms of metals and plating comments are all over the place. Puritan claims matching plating/metal is more important than anything else in terms of connectors.

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As I’ve mentioned in a number of posts, I am a big fan of the FI-50 NCF R’s, but no doubt they are pricy. Not a bad idea to play around with connectors if you got a deal, that way you know for yourself exactly what each end brings. I don’t have much experience with other brands (just what was on different PC’s I’ve used over the years) so can’t help much there. I like the FI-50’s because I believe them to be pretty neutral sounding/uncoloured, the rhodium plating is far more transparent vs Furutech gold & the NCF material does actually seem to make a difference. This way you can change the wire to get the tonal balance you’re after.

Yes, I believe matching plating is generally the way to go as well, but in certain cases I’d still not recommend doing it (for eg if you had a powercord with a phosphor bronze end, I would not recommend downgrading to a phosphor bronze outlet vs one with pure copper). Plating metal choice depends on what your trying to achieve, & the same plating material doesn’t necessarily all sound the same, just to make things more confusing :upside_down_face:


Hello @daren_p, I am little late to this post perhaps. For me best result was actually a mix of gold plated and rhodium plated power connectors. Each one has advantages and disadvantages, but mixing both produces a very balanced sound. Best result was with gold plated connectors of the power cable between the outlet and distributor (rhodium plated distributor) and then rhodium plated between distributor and the system. To make it perfect, treat the rhodium pins going into the distributor with Nano Liquid. For me this set up made the magic. Of course, there is no standard for taste and color, and each system is different.

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Never too late BBK

I wasn’t sure, are you mixing the actual physical connection metals or just mixing plating on different cords but still matching their mating connectors? While its not uncommon to run different cords with different plating’s throughout, its still generally recommended to match the plating on the actual physical connection, as a physical connection of different plating’s can introduce some harshness.

I initially had a mix of connection plating materials as I swapped things in stages, so originally had some cords with gold ends plugged into rhodium outlets. I much preferred when I swapped to the cords with the matching rhodium ends but with that being said, I also changed the wire I was using so not a proper comparison of just the ends.

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I am mixing connectors plating, cable is the same dps 4.1. There is little harshness if all are rhodium, and the bass feels beeing over controlled. The distributor is e-TP609E NCF.


Oh you have an e-TP609(e). How do you like it? It’s likely going to be my next purchase. I have a bunch of Naim Powerlines (US version with Wattgate bronze plugs apparently) and I’m a little worried mix and matching the plates etc, but I also find rhodium plated Copper sounds amazing.

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Which rhodium ends are you using, as they don’t all sound the same? If you’re using multiple cords with DPS-4.1, it could be the use of this cord that is also impacting your results as well (ie if you swapped a length of DPS-4.1 for S55N, you could probably still achieve a good balance with rhodium ends). The DPS-4.1 is pretty neutral/doesn’t add much colouring of its own, it should be used with FI-50 NCF R ends, to not only take proper advantage of what the cable is capable of but also the lower series ends are said to be voiced brighter as well. The downfall of using gold ends on the DPS-4.1 is the reduction of transparency. You pay a premium for that cable but when you install gold ends on it, you are limiting performance. That’s why if you want a bit more warmth a S55N/FI-50 NCF R combo is what I’d recommend instead.

As with many things in audio, its all about synergy & what your trying to achieve, so lots of different routes that can be taken.


FI-E50(R) and FI-E46(G). I did not try other cables, but you are right, it was not the perfect combination, untill I treated the R connectors with Liquid Nano. It was a game changer. Absolutely agree with your observations. R has very transparent highs, and sort of steals the show and breaks the balance. The mix of G + R + Liquid Nano makes a very musicaly balanced performance. I mostly focus on the enjoyment of the music and the emotional effect that is having on me and when there is no balance kind of distructs me and instead of listening the music I focus on what is wrong.

What is this magic you speak of?

My immediate search comes up with

LiquidNano Universal Screen Protection for all mobile devices! I don’t think you are referring to this. lol

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Even with DPS-4.1/FI-50 NCF (R), it’s toward neutral or slightly warm to the scale, not harsh or bright in my experience. The general consensus I believe, is Furutech cables are more toward neutral/warm even though the Rhodium is selected. It’s just that you get higher levels of clarity and detail with R but not lean or bright. If the system already sounds lean or bright and a more toned down tonal balance is desired, your recommendation of S55N/FI-50 NCF (R) or (G) for a warmer presentation will be suitable.

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@daren_p hi Daren , i have heard much about furutech products , but I have not try any furitech power cord before, may I ask , since you are based in the US, how are they compare to Nordost power cord (the Norse 2 ) ? Thanks

I like it, but to be honest I did not test any other models, it’sjust so good I did’t need to try anything else.

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