Furutech Discussion

Wasn’t planning on replacing my Powerlines either, got enough work already, to find out what works best in my 4 other locations as it is :smiley: I just assume Naim know best! With that being said, I may swap a cord at some point, just out of curiosity. My only real thought on the PL’s is the cheap Wattgate end they use in NA & if this is hurting performance.

Ah, yes, that might be worth a try.

I suppose it depends how much it costs and what else you could do with those funds?

Do music-works do a U.S. block?

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Agreed! Kind of surprising the North American market is using them. I do have one candidate cable I’d like to replace someday. It’s a Transparent PowerCable where I tried it with all my Naim components and it just didn’t sound very good. I’m thinking this PowerCable would go from the wall socket to the Power distributor (e-TP609) until I can save up for a Furutech

I’d really like to upgrade to the new 300 series but the 332 is out of my price range for a bit.

Not sure about music-works. Regardless I’m in a pretty good place right now just thinking of a little tweaking… My Farad Super3 uses a furutech (r) inlet and I think this is why I’m so keen on Furutech and obviously there are some trusted folks here that are very knowledgeable.

Does the Farad not come with a power cable?

Or do they recommend one?

They do but I’m not sure they use Furutech for their power cables. I meant to about to ask them about this. Thanks for the reminder!

If not, you could check out audiophilestyle – that’s the kind of place where they discuss streaming gadgets.

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Well update re: S022N cables, I sat down tonight & it sounds nothing like the last 3 nights, once again rather shocked at the change. Guess it did in fact need more run in time. It has taken a massive jump up.

I know some will wonder about just adapting to the sound but to make sure this isn’t happening I always keep a reference without changes to compare to. In this case no changes to my TT side, so I can swap back & forth for verification.


It surely requires time to stabilise, few weeks if not months.

I (again) realise that the configuration of the mains power cable within the system is rather important after I rearranged the cables. I have a mixture of Furutech, Acrolink and Wireworld mains power cables in the system. After the burn-in is all over, try swapping the cords around between components and wall outlet to power conditioner(if you have one) to achieve the best sound reproduction as it will sound different.

I am hoping to get a Furutech DPS4.1 to try in my system, soon…

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Have you bought this power distributor yet?

What are the electrical supply problems that you are trying to solve?

And how does this expensive component achieve that task for you?

Whats better?

Don’t assume Naims selection - for sure the cable is very good - but it can be improved on. The kimber style braded cables on my system certainly made a substantive improvement. I think that with the Naim cable - cable dressing is very important and Kimber is less sensative. Certainly on my system more detail air and bass.

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Guess I should have taken my own advise :grinning:

With the DPS cord, after ~400 I didn’t notice any big swings, there were still improvements after that but none of the big ups & downs, so I assumed running in this cord for ~400 should be good to go. Will have to wait & see what happens but if its still running in, seems as though the amount of current put through the cord might have an impact. The DPS was powering all the kit, while the S022N was just on my streamer, which would draw a fraction of the power. It was a complete 180 in sound compared to the 3 previous nights though, right from the first note you could hear it sounded nothing like the night before. It was like someone took your speakers & replaced them with ones that cost a faction as much, I had to almost force myself to listen last night as it was sounding so bad & couldn’t believe so many people had so many good things to say about this cable, vs how bad it was sounding (not to mention I had just bought 4M of it & 4M of its larger brother).

If things continue on the current path, one thing this might have revealed is that possibly my streamer isn’t critical on its powercord, as even though the S022N was initially sounding terrible all around when plugged into the DAC, the kit was still sounding excellent with it first on the streamer.

Ryder, on your plan to add DPS, I can see that possibly being a very good match for your Luxman, do you plan on using the FI-50 NCF ends as well? If not, I’d highly recommend in doing so as any other end will restrict performance of this cable & you won’t be hearing all what your paying for. I believe your currently running some lower down Furutech Rhodium ends with the green TCS series? The lower end rhodium ends are said to be thinner/brighter (which probably works well with the TCS as its said to be very warm), but they might not be the best match for the DPS. If your not planning on the FI-50 NCF R ends for the DPS, I might actually recommend a different route, go with S55N cable instead with the FI-50 NCF R ends, this would probably perform better then the DPS with lower range connectors.


No I haven’t yet. I’ve been offered one on loan for which I’ll trial. I’m afraid if it’s that good I won’t want to return it.

No noticeable issues but the power strip I currently have can only fit 5 components and I need 6. I just had an electrician come to the house and he replaced a failing circuit(he was working on a different issue) with a new one and that’s when I noticed an increase in SQ and it has had me thinking what else can be improved upon power wise.

I stumbled upon Furutech reading some post by @daren_p and noticed my Farad PS uses Furutech inlets so it’s got me curious.

One obvious thing you could do with a fraction of the money that you are likely to spend on that posh power block is to install a dedicated hi-fi radial or circuit to supply relatively clean electricity to your hi-fi system, within the local and national laws on electricity systems that apply.


Yes that has already been done. When the electrician was working on a different issue and replaced a failing circuit I asked him to make it dedicated and install a 20amp circuit. So I’m good on this front.


Ah - I forgot that.

You’re all set then.

Let us know how it sounds.

It is a shame that Chord haven’t made a US version of their blocks as they tune them to work with Naim.

You could email them and ask if this is planned.

They are good on emails normally.

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Yeah I did email them but it’s all tied up in regulations so they say. At the time they didn’t have an estimate of when they will be available.

Do AV Options do a Naim-oriented power strip?

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Yes and I have one. They were selling an updated one but they stopped selling them about a year ago.