Fyne Audio F700

Hi there, are there any users of Fyne Audio stand mount speakers with Naim kit? I’m looking for speakers to use with my Nova in a small’ish room positioned close to a wall.

I was in a dealers last week auditioning PMC 21i and 22i but they weren’t for me. I was offered a pair of Fyne F500sp to try just as an afterthought and I was really impressed. Very smooth, loads of detail but not harsh and a decent amount of bass. These were considerably under budget so dealer suggested I tried the next model up (F700) but he didn’t have them in stock for me to listen to.

Anybody have any experiences of F700, good or bad? There are very few reviews online and Fyne Audio are rarely mentioned on this forum. Certainly the F500sp looked to be a quality speaker and the (albeit brief) listening session has sparked my interest in the brand.

Thanks all!

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I can’t be of much help, as I haven’t heard a Naim/Fyne combo but am also rather curious if other members have tried/running this combo. I heard their speakers a few years back at a show & they were quite good sounding. As ex Tannoy staff, one would think they could have some good synergy with Naim.

Hello. A very happy F500SP owner here. These sound great in my system IMHO. No idea what the F700 will sound like sorry. Ido love these speakers as their off-axis response are great. I also love their clarity for dialogue in movies/tv shows.

I should say, I have listened to the F1-5 at a demo. It was out of my price range but if you like the F500SP and can stretch the extra £500 up from the F700 then you should also give them a trial.

I’ve demoed the f500sp I loved the sound and did seriously consider it but for me the music is more forceful than I want. If I wanted to always give the music 100% of my attention I’d have definitely gone with them.

F500 with Uniti Atom here… very happy with the sound, even in a rather large room with several large windows. I recently moved them into a smaller, quieter room to improve listening conditions and they still do not disappoint.

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