
Hammering the wood was long ago used by Mahler in his sixth symphony.

You are in good company. Some hammer the wood in public even on television or in a packed concert hall. Don’t be shy!


Can we please see the specimen ?

Many thanks


Yes of course. It’s a very old olive tree with gnarled bark. Been wanting one for years, but every time I saw one that I liked, it was expensive. Saw this one and it was the best I’ve ever seen, in real life and on Google, but it was really expensive. Left it for a week and went back and bought it. It’s wrapped in plastic atm to keep the stupid amounts of rain off the soggy compost. I’ll post a photo of the completed pot and tree once done.

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Went into a small car park in the summer in Pangbourne, (West Berkshire ) and the olive tree overhanging the car park had fruited and there were masses of olives on the ground


Ah, an olive tree overhanging a car park sounds like it’s putting mine to shame :grin:
Here’s a sneek peak crappy shot I’ve just taken as I come back from my run.


I have three smaller olive trees in pots. I originally planted them in the ground but was afraid of root damage to adjoining walls so I potted them up. I’ve since discovered olives have a small root ball and it grows very slowly.
I’m thinking of buying a larger tree and will now consider using sleepers as they are not only a cheaper option than terracotta but are also frost resistant.
I don’t think the sleepers will need to be taken apart as the roots grow so slowly and I can always run a sharp, pointed spade down the sides.


Terracotta looks good for olives, up to a certain size tree. At some point it will become impossible, as they’re just too heavy.

I think the colour and grain of oak works well with olives, but not the usual softwood sleepers.

Yes olive trees grow fairly slow, but so do Japanese maples and after about a max of 5-6 years, the roots will have filled the pot. At this point there’s a mass of fine roots that spades just can’t go through. I’ve even tried sawing them whilst still in the pot, but gave up. If you’re going to make a sleeper pot, you’re going to screw the thing together, so it’s not difficult to remove the screws and sides for a root trim.

I’m going to use 10mm stainless screws. Googled too many reports that 6mm stainless snap.

I recently removed some mature bay plants from large planters. Broke the first planter due to them being root bound and then remembered I’d bought a special spade to remove shrubs from the border.
I can guarantee this spade will slice through most roots. Made by Spear & Jackson and has saved me hours of struggle removing mature shrubs.
It easily sliced through the bay roots in the planter.


One of my maples was in a pot for 10 years and some of the roots had gone 1/2" plus. Standing on a big pot, with limited access and leverage, nothing could go through them, except a breeze block saw and even then, I gave up. Another maple’s roots grew and the pressure eventually cracked a £400 terracotta pot. When they get big, everything becomes a pain.

I had the same problem with a maple.
For years I thought how well it was doing in a large terracotta pot.
When we moved I discovered it had grown a large tap root through the bottom of the pot.:smile:

Preparing a bed for garlic with a little help from my friends.
Tried a green manure, closer and fenugreek, this year as it’s been suggested that it obviates the need for crop rotation. It was planted once the broad beans had been harvested, which in turn followed last season’s garlic. The bed will be topped up with compost / manure up once the garlic has been planted.


Yes I’ve had that. The thick root had gone through the single hole in the bottom, swollen and totally blocked the drainage. I only noticed in the winter when the pot was a full of water to the brim. Obviously by then the plant had drowned and ruined. I hate gardening. Don’t even know why I put so much effort into it :joy:


I know what you mean, all my plants are suicidal I’m convinced of it! It’s like spinning plates keeping them all alive.


Decided to remove it from the pot this morning, only to find it’s suffered a little wind damage. :grin:

Is it worth replanting.

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Looking at your previous photo, the smaller plant looks like it has slightly yellow leaves compared to the healthy one. Not sure why, but could be Nitrogen deficiency or possibly something toxic has got into the soil.
Anyone’s guess whether or not it will survive, but there’s no harm in planting it out if the roots are alive. It may start growing in the spring, if not, just ditch it. When you plant it, I would remove as much soil as possible from the roots and stick it straight into the ground.

Thanks. I’ll give it a try, as you’ve suggested.

I think the smaller plant is actually two trees. Presumably they’re having a battle with each other.

Screws have arrived!

This is how you screw a raised bed together. A4 complete with stainless washer. I mean, look at them shining in the sun. This should be in the ‘Nice photos’ thread, but this thread is more for the select gent. Some people like to fly around the world visiting uninhabited countries, I like to receive a handful of screws just before the weekend.


Similar to Tesco the Christmas cactus has decided on an early festive appearance.
The Easter cactus is biding its time.
The rest are hoyas which did not flower this year.

The opposite wall of the small extension is thriving as well.
Timers are for the uv lights…


Its been a funny autumn for the weather here in the south of England.

We still have sumer bedding and roses in bloom but this week two Camelia’s have decided to start flowering. The earliest these have been out before is between Christmas and New Year.

I suspect tonight’s drop in temperatures will ‘adjust’ things somewhat!

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@Fatcat I’ve been reading about willow water as a rooting aid. Prune this year’s shoots from willow, cut into 1 inch lengths, steep in freshly boiled water for a week (?) then water your plants. Worth a try ?

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