Give Life Back To Music

Finally, after 20 years of 52/135/DBLs/PXO3, I went active again with 52/2x250-2/135/SNAXO/DBLs. What a rush! Music is live ! There is no substitute. This was what got me hooked to Naim in the first place, hearing Jeff Beck in a 6 pack DBLs. Long live the king.


That’s an interesting collection of speakers you’ve got there :sunglasses:

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Looks like a dealer’s collection

Do you live in a hi-fi shop?

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Vertical stacking. First time I see that. It’s original, at least. Not optimal, for sure. But who cares :rofl:

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This is my music room. These are the speakers that I have collected over the years. They are all ‘studio monitors’ per se, but the real ‘studio monitor’ is the active DBLs. :grimacing:


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