Gotta try

Please everyone have a listen to,
by Andy Pickford.
Simply stunning…

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I am. 3 minutes in and so far it is a great, big meh from me. Does it go anywhere from there on in?

Just finished and no it doesn’t.

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Andy Pickford is one of the music worlds geniuses, all his work is stunning.
Played on a decent system with speakers that can plumb the depths it is magic.

But to everdiblanco’s post, yes it is an acquired taste, & a lot of it does just go nowhere, its what a lot of Electronic Progressive does. I expect it would be a true split opinion on the forum, either like or dislike & not much in the middle.

If you do want to try or buy, Bandcamp has them all.
If you want just one album for your collection, get the “Maelstrom 2019 24​-​bit Collectors Edition” - a real steel for £8+VAT considering its contents. It includes the original albums 8 tracks, plus different options to listen to the album, bonus tracks from other albums, live in concert & two remixes of Blue World one of the most beautiful work in his repertoire & In Silent Vigil as posted by Steve987.

Its a massive almost 5 hours play time & frankly unwieldy. I treat it as a collection file store & have copy/pasted to make the original Maelstrom albums 8 tracks & the just the bonus tracks & live tracks in another file.

Film score music, as has been said, doesn’t really go anywhere. Not terrible.

Thank goodness you resisted the temptation to make an excessively sweeping statement.


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Hallelujah chicken run band and la locura de machuca…awesome, awsome awsome! Fab music to end 2020 on

Gotta try… Sainkho Namtchylak Stepmother City.

It reminds me the Sunday church music. Boring is the first impression to come.

I don’t get it either. Pleased the OP has gotten such enjoyment from it though.

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