Great albums with awful covers

Honestly. Look if I had a turntable, and got her collection. I’d buy exclusively kitsch crap. Starting with this:

I laughed till I cried when I stumbled upon this.


Ok thats only an Album that a Mother could Love !!!

You think? Could be, i’ve never seen the vinyl!

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No idea!
Just that the blue frame looks like it could be a plain sleeve for a Planet Earth disc

They should have called it Pale Blue Dot!

Haha yes, it’s still a bit weird since the group is named Dreamfish and the first track of the album for instance is named “School of fish”…

‘Pale Blue Dot’ is also a great ambient album by Benn Jordan by the way, an hommage to Carl Sagan:

I like this album from Dope Lemon. But it and all its siblings have crap cover art.


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