Great start to weekend

Wife is away in the Cotswolds with other septuagenarian Cambridge chums
Breakfast is anchovies on toast with a large glass of Chablis .


How long is the freedom for?

Hers or his? :grinning::grinning:


Freedom is mutual


I never imbibe before mid-day as it just makes me incredibly sleepy. A large glass of chablis at breakfast would see me asleep until afternoon! It does sound tempting though…

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Our start to the weekend was Ok to start with, drove from Colchester to North Norfolk. Then tried to drive back to Debenham in Suffolk…….could not get there due-to floodwater…….7 hours stuck on the A140, got home at midnight.
Today is a different day, the people we stay with rang to say the roads are passable……so now we have arrived.
Not a great start, but to be put in context we did pass many houses trying to pump out last night…….a little inconvenience for us, but heartbreaking for those flooded.

What time is Samantha coming round ?

It’s weird isn’t it. My wife left the house at about 10.15 to play in a golf competition. I can now relax reading the paper, cricket on and one of my boys is happily playing Xbox in the front room. Bliss.

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I woke up with two teen cats on the bed wanting strokes. Fed them, made coffee, and read news online while listening to Rad Mac on R6.

Pottering aimlessly whilst listening to Radio Paradise until lunch, which was eaten in the conservatory while watching the braver teen cat playing in the wind-swept garden.

This afternoon, the Linn will be fired up to play some new and not-so-new discs.

Phone call with sister followed by recycling visit to local refuse tip finding it almost empty of people.

Got home and saw UK foreign secretary in Cairo speaking at summit with small Union Flag adjacent to him placed by the Egyptian’s flying upside down!

Christmas is on at a weekend this year. It’ll be all over before you know it.
Ready yourselves for that worst Monday of the year - after the new year.

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