Handset for NAC112X

A simple question I hope - I have acquired several NAIM components. All seem to be connected together and working apart from the Michell turntable (Ortofon MC Rondo Bronze cartridge) to Stageline E to NAC112X (Aux2 with power through a SNAIC5). The Stageline has power but no sound coming out. I have checked the turntable cartridge and wiring with a multimeter and that seems OK. I read that I may need to configure the AUX2 output as it may be set to DIN but I have no handset. Will a NARCOM 5 handset allow me to configure the NAC112X? Any other ideas to get my sound working gratefully received!

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A Narcom 5 should be fine. Check the socket assignment.

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Yep - all sorted now. Many thanks.


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