Happy with the new Naim update

No worries Jim. Get some rest.

Stress free update on my ND5XS2.
Took about 7 mins.
I can hear an improvement ,particularly using headphones.
I use my 5XS2 via BNC out into my Technics amp, which is digital, so the Naim is just a streaming bridge.

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3.10 just may be bringing out a little more.
(ND5 XS2 digital >> nDAC)


Not possible to update to support hi-res. You will need to use NDS as a DAC only and add a streamer sending digital signal to it. I do and it works and sounds great (Lindemann Bridge II).


Clarity, separation, soundstage all improved. The higher res version was like opening a door you didn’t know was there between you and the music…


One of the beta builds sounded particularly good, so it was agreed to keep that sound in the final version. I’m assuming that happened but of course don’t know for sure.


Yep it certainly sounds different on my NDX2, better I think, perhaps a little sharp, I detect a touch of New Classic sound signature.

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I didn’t try the beta this time, but the release update went smoothly so just settling down to listen.

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Thanks. I download most of my music anyway, just stream to explore stuff I might buy. Hi Res streaming not important to me therefore.


Too early to say for certain, especially as I feel a bit congested but initial listening is very positive.

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Ok, bloody hell, what an improvement.

The thrashy/harsh sound present for years has gone. That was why I always reverted to an older firmware every so often.

There’s a huge soundstage (vertically, horizontally with depth), oodles of detail I’ve not heard before especially in high frequencies, instruments have timbre that’s long been missing.

I can follow drum patterns, vocals far more easily, there’s slam and weight to percussion I don’t recall since early LP12/Naim days - thought it was me getting older or not enjoying more modern kit.

Immediacy and attack to stringed instruments/string passages which was missing. It was all smeared before.

Maybe I’m imagining it all, but crikey, the vagaries of digital reproduction are bizarre compared to analogue.


No, not at all. I noticed the improvement immediately but I was unsure if it was the Mexican beer I was drinking yesterday lol


Mrs AC is now singing along to A-ha’s first album and better than the fact I can honestly hear things I’ve never heard before, she’s actually singing in tune! Blimey Naim continues to deliver! :rofl:

She also noticed increased clarity, easier to follow bass rhythms/percussion and instruments simply sounding more natural.


I’m happy because thanks to the altered radio I was looking for my old presets via brands because it seemed easier and in the process discovered that classic fm has video game soundtrack and movie soundtrack stations which have now joined my favourites only downside is it doesn’t list what’s playing


Yeah I was listening to some Luther Vandross live and for the first time I could hear exactly what an audience member said. It was shockingly good

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Tomorrow I amgoing to investigate Joni Anderson.

There are some recordings where we’re very familiar with the vocalist & crowd (Half Beat - 1964).

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Anyone know when Naim will release the upgrade to MoSo2?

Nice! I just learned something new today. :slight_smile:

I remember when we first upgraded to 252 and SWMBO said “I just heard a glass being put down on a table”.


I think I’ll spin ‘Blue’ and ‘Court and Spark’ tonight