Happy with the new Naim update

I updated my ND5 XS2 without issue. Streaming Tidal. At first I thought my ears were playing tricks on me. It is very satisfying when the update turns out to be an upgrade. I’m chuffed. Good old Naim, thank you very much


Is that SQ uplift a result of streaming hi-res files or plain CD quality?

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The sound quality improvement mentioned seems to apply to all streamed music, including from a local source like UnitiCore or a NAS.


My jury is still out on the sq changes on my NDX2, having listened for a few days now my feeling is that it’s probably ‘technically’ better with more detail etc but on my system quite a bit of the naturalness, emotion and timbre that I liked has gone. It reminds me a little of the banks of 4K TV’s you see in stores all playing pictures of alpine scenes or Japanese gardens etc, all very impressive initially and then your brain works out it’s not quite realistic or natural. I went through a similar ordeal with a Nova a few years ago and really disliked the firmware changing the SQ to something I couldn’t listen to comfortably. In general I find the principle of altering SQ irritating, it’s also very subjective if something is actually an improvement. Perhaps it’s a case of the Emperor’s New Firmware. I’ll give it a while, no choice really!


Very nice to read - as ever!
I have the same issue with balance. Once it is there - do not touch.
So I am adapting currently.
But it is different and also improved.

My system is far from yours but I also think that it displays the slightest change.
I was thinking in the past that I would like to have a bit more hf sparkle. Now there is a bit more of it. Even with naca 5 cable :blush:

Update: vocals seem to be a bit more upfront - this I like


Fully agree - but a good amount is our imagination.
If there’s a real Change in SQ naim should give you the choice to decide and go back to the old FW.
You bought and demoed your ndx2 with the other fw.

I really do not know if there is a change of sound on purpose.


When I first did the update that effect was more pronounced, as it was a big change. Previously with some updates I had to give it nearly a week to settle with me to fully confirm I liked it or not.
As you say - see how it finally sits with you in a few days.

I’ve noticed my musical selection choices have ranged to material I’d not played a lot recently that now seems to work better.


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I feel both. Certainly more detail with hi res and generally more sparkle, its subtle but very pleasing.

Strange what a mind can do.
Do not think that it is so huge. But I feel a lot more hf sparkle is happening (too much? :rofl:)Can not tell if naturalness is missing - enough naturalness there from sigma Ethernet

Now when you have hi res files like me you will hear the limitations of Shunyata better. @Lucifer might have a proposal on ethernet cable.


I use quobuz- so hires all along :blush:
But I am very interested what cable can be proposed :wink:

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Any other impressions of the new fw.
I am interested… still adapting.

What @Darkebear mentioned is fully correct. It’s sounds louder … with this comes the more upfront sound… still adapting.
Have to adaept as I think there is no way back, correct?

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Both - no idea how but my Qobuz streaming option in the Naim app was set to CD quality, and my observations on improvement were before I noticed this (has it reset in an app update or had I always assumed I was streaming hi-res as that’s what the playback info suggested).

Serenity Prayer

"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference"


Might not be so good with Focal speakers though……


Naim speakers are also spoken of to be on the bright side.
I think it is fine.
My kudos are neutral.
Yesterday thinking about the sound being a tad lacking hf sparkle. Now it’s there … strange feeling …:blush:
Not good with changes I am

Booting time is extended with new firmware - but it comes with a picture :blush:

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In the Land of Mordor where the shadows lie. One cable to rule them all, one cable to find them, One cable to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them


If I do not like it I can throw it in the fire

Just updated my NSS 333. All went very smoothly. Only took a few minutes to update my radio favourites.