Hardly any sound after rebuild

Good (hot) day all,
My system was working fine, I have moved house and now the volume has to be really cranked up to get anything out of the system.

It is same via turntable or streamer so leads me to think it is the amp (pre or power). I have gone over the connection diagrams what seems like a trillion times and still looks fine to me (doesn’t mean it isn’t wrong though ….) it is a 552 and 500 both dr and approx 5 years old. I would say they were powered down for about a week during move. As an idea volume used to be at 8 o’clock for listening. I currently have it as 12 and it is very quiet, no bass and just horrible….

I had transit bolts in the 552 during move as well.

Any ideas ?

Many thanks
Frustrated from Essex.

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I thought i had not touched anything on my 552/500. But it would seem when i had swapped over my Melco server i must have knocked a burndy……i had no sound. Embarrassingly i got my trusty dealer out, who found a burndy was not quite clicked into place.
I would check the burndies……one more time, and the din to xlr etc🤞🏽


Do a factory reset on the 552? Not sure why that might work but seems sensible.

Sounds more like a connection to me?


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Thanks. I will power down and unplug/re plug everything.
Sounds like a Microsoft issue :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:

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I remember getting a similar issue with my HiCap. All connections were fully in, however I just took the cable out, and inserted it a few times, then it all worked

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Lordy Lordy, 552 burndy unplugged and re plugged, it singing now !

It really is the simple things sometimes ……

Thanks all !


Annoying though……glad it worked.


Well, there’s a happy solution.

The OP can now ‘waste’ the whole day listening to music!


Nice :point_up:

And I most certainly will waste my day :grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning: and love every minute of it !

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The Forum at its best!




I believe that the cartoonist used ‘Bod’ as his name. He used to draw cartoons for QUAD equipment, which appeared in hifi magazines in the 1970s and 80s.

But that is so obviously a Naim control and power amp, with an LP12.

I can’t see if he has chosen an ARO or an Ittok, though!

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Well spotted I’m sure it’s an Ittok as it has a gimbal gap at the back. :thinking: :wink:

Must be a different Bod to what I remember :slight_smile:

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