Has BBC World Service English Been Geoblocked?

Hello everyone.

I have noticed that over the last two days, BBC World Service English feeds are behaving as if they have been geoblocked.

I cannot get regularly listened to feeds from either ITunes or Naim Internet Radio.

This is strange, because I can still access BBC UK domestic services via Naim.

Hopefully this is just temporary but it is annoying and hardly represents the notion of the World Service being “the world’s radio station.”

Appreciate any comments.


Where abouts are you?

Seems to affect TuneIn also. But plays in Sonos.

I can hear BBC World Service only via the App „BBC Sounds“ after sign in with my account. VPN is not necessary, they are not geoblocked. I live in Germany.

His profile says New Zealand.

It works also by using the url BBC World Service Online - Schedules in browser.

(from NZ as well). When I try on my ND555 I get a repeated recorded message saying “due to contactual reasons the recorded programme is not available in your area”

There’s nothing consistent with all the errors being produced - suggests it’s a technical issue with the BBC feeds (maybe connected to which cdn is being used to deliver the streams.).

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Just tried BBC sounds over a VPN, World Service seems to be working fine from Iceland, New Zealand & Chile.

Why use vpn on bbc sounds on iOS it plays on like itdid yesterday. My guess is that the change BBC made to the UK channels now also has affected the bbc world services stream. Unfortunately none of us can get in contact with vtuner,but Naim used to be able to force an update from vtuner.

Looks like the legacy mp3 stream has been shut down. Although it still plays on Sonos Radio (which uses TuneIn). Vtuner needs to fix this!

World Service working on Wiim BBC streams, and on the station below:

@Stevesky you may need to grab your magic cloak and fly to the rescue here!

Hi @Vaughan

I’ve raised the question with the BBC, as BBC World Service is one of the last ones to be using Icecast streams. Everything else has switched to the newer HLS streams.

Will see what the reply is from them and get things adjusted accordingly.

Best wishes



This is down to vtuner (or naim). Should be fixed within hours, not days or never. :confused:
It’s working on Sonos, Wiim & other streamers.

BUT NOT ON Tunein and most likely never will on my Dynaudio device.

Hi all,

One chat with BBC later - it’s an issue on their side. VTuner are off the hook for once :innocent:

They have multiple streams / servers and some were misconfigured resulting in a geoblock message.

It should be working now. For reference VTuner uses the url:

Best regards



Thanks for the explanation. Apologies to vtuner🙂

Thanks Steve for this explanation.

And also for all the others who contributed to the discussion, and I am working my way back through the responses.

As of this morning in New Zealand, BBC English Australia which is the site preset in my NDX2, normal streaming has been resumed.

I was satisifed that VTuner was not the culprit, as TuneIn was also getting geoblock type messages.

All the best.


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That did also occur to me, and I also knew that BBC as the corporation and TuneIn were not getting on well.

Does all seem to be working as it should.