Has naim app changed - got new phone

I upgraded my android phone and the naim app looks totally different.

Probably prefer the new one.

Not sure if I agreed to automatic updates but when I copied from samsung to samsung the phone seems to have updated the app.

It would be nice if naim sent me an email to tell me there’s an app update.

Yes, I’ve been away for a few weeks but I was a bit confused too, just checked the app store and looks like it updated on July 29th, guess it auto-updated because I didn’t tell it to, haven’t had time to check but I sure hope the Tidal Hi-res update was included in this update!! :crossed_fingers:

Tidal high res will need a firmware update, so the latest app won’t do it. You just need to be patient.

I bet there is some hidden code/libraries in there ready to be enabled

If every app sent you an email every time it got updated your inbox would be inundated given how frequently a lot of apps get updated

Also when you move from an old phone to a new one, the settings and user data gets transferred, but the new phone downloads the apps from the app store again. So you will always get the latest apps in that situation.

Since this last app update I seem to have lost the Naim Styles option that gave various fancy background display options and I only have the appearance options of light dark or automatic. Quite probably my tech incompetence but I am failing to find the different style options…

Thanks for all the replies.
Never knew that switching phones installed the latest app version (even if auto-update is off).
New version of the app seems to connect better to the streamers (we will see).
If you are wondering I went from samsung A23 to S23 mainly so I could use google maps in bright sunlight. (Bought it on amazon – unlocked – for £500).
It would be nice for naim to send me an email about the app update.
Also it would be nice to be able to go back to older versions.
As I said the new version seems to connect better so I am happy with it.

If Sonos’s response to their app making some people’s speakers unusable is any indication. I’m guessing that it’s more complicated than we realise to offer multiple versions of an app. It certainly would have saved them a lot of hassle to be able to offer an older version of their s2 app.

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On Android that’s always an option if you sideload the apk. That’s what I did for a while with the abomination that is the new Sonos app but alas they’ve closed that off as it now does a minimum version check.

Yep, gone.
Just good old black or white options now.

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I have complained on other threads about the unreliability of the connection/interface between my naim streamer and the naim app.

The new version of the app seems to be a lot better.

Having said that… years ago I had a Logitech Squeezebox (same room and same WiFi) and it just worked.

So hopefully the new version will not need me to use fing to wake up the streamer with ping commands

My patience is gone lol, Naim has had the necessary information from Tidal since the 1st of the year and still nada…

Apple won’t allow that, even if Naim wanted to.

What’s happened to the choice of background styles, mine is just plain black now in dark mode?

Naim decided not to continue with the old scheme.

Offering less features with an update is progress apparently :roll_eyes:. It doesn’t really bother me but considering the App is used in lots of lifestyle products such as Musos I’m a bit surprised.


Or a nudge to abandon the old classics and buy the new classics, I don’t take kindly to being nudges.

Why is it a nudge? A clean black background seems perfectly fine.

It’s not very eye friendly to my aging eyes, the old screen choices were easier on the eye, my eyes.