HDX as server only - faulty again - what's next?

The HDX could convert them back to WAV if you ever wanted to, but I can’t see any reason why you would. Just set the HDX to Decode and it will serve the FLACs to your streamer as WAV and it will never know that they were stored as FLAC.

Ok… but strangely it converts flac 24bit to wav 16bit. For this reason I deactivated the transcoding option on hdx.

I ordered a 8m cinnamon and will test it with synology.
Will check a core as well. Core has LPS I side, hdx also - but not for the server section.
I an also interested how the innous will sound. …

@drago do you know exactly what the guy in Germany did when he repaired it? Was it just the HDD he changed?
Have you any idea of the unit’s service history?


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If you set it to ‘Decode’ it should convert to WAV at the original bit depth. Maybe you are using a different setting?

No - tried all settings. Decode - Flac = true. Streamer (naim app) says 16 Bit instead of 24 Bit

Thanks a lot @NeilS

  • The HDD was replaced and SW installed 1.7.c RC1
  • Wahltage adjusted at the SMPS / or LPS? (they were bad as he said)
  • Bios Battery replaced
  • Memory Test OK
    … and Data recovery

Re-Started him again - works but it lasts 3 minutes. Remember that he was quicker in the past - but do not know. Is 3 min fine - or too long?

Service History:

  • The Digital Board was replaced in 2015 (or so)
  • Rattling fan was replaced in 2019 (plus SW to 1.7c)


So 3 minutes is the time it takes for it to boot up? Is that with the network cable connected?

When it is working, have you noticed any networking issues?



3 min for booting with network cable attched.
No issues when it is working

Hope it will be stable a bit now. Last time (beginning November - before the service and hdd replacement ) it crashed once and the next day again and afterwards booting is in 10 min range. And crashed directly after reboot.

I noticed the crash today, when I tried to access it via app. Nothing found.
Remote also not working. Only touch screen working. On screen - „please wait“ with once flashing of Home Screen.

Shutdown worked but also took long

I want this hdx so badly as it fits so perfectly in my system.

Ok - the home screen flashing briefly & then back to please wait would suggest that the front panel is trying to ping the motherboard & getting no response. So something may be preventing the main OS from starting up intermittently.
There could be any number of reasons for that, but it sounds like it may have been misdiagnosed as a hard drive fault.
I’d advise that you get back in touch with the German dealer/distributor - they may decide to send it to the UK.


Regarding the remote not working - try pressing “input” button, the page down arrow & number 1 simultaniously while pointing the remote at the (working) HDX.

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Remote is only not working during crash - all fine again when re-started. Should I try the key combination if the crash re-occurs?
Will wait how it behaves - when getting really bad - I will give it back to the distributor. Too bad - this could be a real long wait (long transit). It is, as it is :slight_smile:
THANKS too much @NeilS - as ever!

No - I thought the remote code might be conflicting - that won’t fix the crashes! If its working otherwise, all good.
Whatever happens, don’t leave it too long if it’s under a repair warranty!



Wont do - think there is some time left. Service was 2 weeks ago.
Really would like to avoid the “error gone effect”.
If it manifests it is also easier to locate and test after repair if fine - in my understanding.

Had had with some cars in the past - recurring errors, which were always gone, when in service :slight_smile:

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Still thinking about new server

Has anyone compared innous to melco.
The melco was a bit too bright in my system (less earthy and rough)
How does innous tend to be soundwise?

I would like to stick to the HDX route sound wise… maybe as mentioned best to test Core first

Had a very short chat with naim. Could be the psu voltage fluctuating too much - but could also have other reasons. At this stage simple guessing… As you mentioned - they need to check it.

Willing to bet power supply for the motherboard. They are an off the shelf piece from rs if you fancy a go.

Maybe - i am no technician… will talk to the service point if they can help.

Will nevertheless test a innous zenith at the weekend…maybe a core too.
Looking forward… remember the melco sound really good. Hope the innous (or core) is on the Rough side rather too… will see

Could be the SMPS, sometimes the output voltage can sag if faulty. When it reaches about 10.5V the motherboard won’t start up, but the front panel will.
Definitely worth them investigating.



What server did you use on N10? Minim and Twonky sound quite different. The N10 is more forward maybe, more vibrant maybe than the other Melcos I heard. A bit more balls possibly. Interesting that you found it a bit sterile/safe/boring vs HDX. I have not heard HDX but I don’t mind a bit of ‘roughness’ as you put it. A bit more bite.

I preferred Twonky over Minim - The HDX was more forward in sum - a bit darker and rough but with less details.

On the N10 I found Twonky a better bet for me, Minim was a bit ‘Remastered’ sounding. With the N10 SSD though I prefer Minim :man_shrugging:t2:

Maybe try the Core, different hard drives HDD vs SSD may give a subtle change in character BUT someone else is better to advise on that.

If you can get the HDX fixed it probably makes sense as you have the sound you want and inevitably changing it out will lead to further changes like cables etc to try and get back to the HDX sound…

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