HDX as server only - faulty again - what's next?

Naim used to say that a HDD sounded best, but the Core that Jason takes around to dealers when he is doing demo events has an SSD these days. Popular wisdom in the forum is that the the Samsung 870 EVO SSD is a good choice.

I’ll quote from a passage of emails I had with Naim support some weeks back —

Our modern streamers do things to the incoming files on the Core, so the audio qualities of a particular drive aren’t as important as you may think. Here’s what happens…

"Using the network allows us to send a perfect bit package to the streaming platform.
We go one stage further with the current range of streamers, as they use the NP800 streaming board which allows us to interrogate the incoming signal, pause the internal ‘clock’, find out whether it is 44.1, 192, etc and synchronise the internal DAC with the incoming stream and drop the error correction to rock bottom."

Having been told that, I did think I sensed a subtle difference when I was swapping between a SSD and HDD during some recent issues and testing with the Core….it was just to a Mu-so at the time, so not a hugely resolving system as such, but I did sense a difference……Will see, as I’ll swap back at some point soon……


Yes - thought minim remastered like as well. Twonky a bit on the rough side.
But hdx is far more dirty (groovy in my ears) - more olive like.
Again going the cable route … oh dear … but still have not yet tested hi-line or Morgana between nd555 and 52… lavender is installed.
52 is not on top shelf and 3rd Fraim leg… :blush:

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