HDX HD to SSD still possible?!

Hi Neil, thanks for your last reply / info’; already have a twin NAS drive.

Please keep me posted regarding the original SSD’s, especially if 2TB ones become available; in-fact if possible, please let me know ASAP about SSD’s / if possible overall cost of 2TB SSD Inc’ swapping over tfhe HDD to the SSD.

Thanks in advance. All the best,

Simon: I think what Neil is saying is that the “original” SSDs that may be available will be the 16GB. If they are, indeed, available then you would still need a NAS drive to store your music on. You could put a large SSD (or SSDs in a multi drive NAS) into the NAS but it will cost about 10x more than a regular HDD.

Neil, I’m curious as to why you are considering a different drive in the HDX? If it’s working well, and backed up to your NAS, I would just leave it. If you’re running out of space, I would add a new drive to a NAS or desktop computer on your network.


…understand, thanks!

Hi Simon,

sktn77a is correct - there is no variant that allows internal storage on an SSD.

The HDD variant is limited to 2TB due to constraints within the BIOS*.

*I think it’s the BIOS!



Hi there, it is possible to clone the 2TB HDD to a 2 TB SSD. Done this a few times.

Hello and thanks for that info’. Is that easy to do and bearing in mind my scenario (earlier post) and would that be do-able (internally) on my HDX?, or do you mean an external drive?
Kind regards,

The 2 drive HDX has a primary (OS/data drive) and a data backup drive. I don’t believe you can do this with the internal drive setup. You should be able to remove the primary drive and clone it but I was told by the US service people several years ago that (for some reason) this will not work. I guess it’s up to someone to figure out why by trying it.

SSDs are a bit funny when it comes to OS drives. Most will work but some will not in some settings.

Been there, done that, and no, it doesn’t work.

My ageing HDX, with twin 400Gb drives went off to a third party repairer to have cloned twin 2 Tb drives installed, and all my music transferred across.

Seemed fine, except for the fact that the UPnP server wouldn’t work and I ended up sending it back to Naim for a complete service, which included a single 2Tb drive, and everything was fine.

There’s a fixed price of around £350 for the service, which, in my case, and in addition to the above, included a new CD mechanism, a new Naim logo, and the replacement of several capacitors and internal cables.

…thanks for that Dave. :+1:

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Cloning the single 2TB HDD to a 2TB SSD hast to be done outside. The Server OS is Windows XPe. So there is nothing special. And you can always go back to HDD.
If you have the old 2 Drive config, this might be bit harder to do.

I had my HDX converted from HDD to SSD. There was no change in sound quality/musical enjoyment. I did it because I didn’t want my music collection locked into a propitiatory, non user serviceable, in box model. This was my only doubt about the HDX and if I had known the SSD version was in the works I would have waited for it.

If you can’t get yours upgraded you can still switch to a NAS - If this is why you are looking. I would advise this from personal experience but everyone has a unique set of circumstances, not to mention ears. If a NAS or something in it goes down you have instant recovery solutions. If one of your internal HDDs goes down it’s going to get complicated and take time. Mind you, if your HDX fails to boot up one day (as it will at some point), it’s going to be complicated and take time regardless of where your music is stored or backed up.


…thanks the info’ :+1:

Well, it’s official, the SSD update is discontinued. I’m pretty m sure it must be because of the availability of (or lack of) of the 16Gb SLC SSD.

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