HDX not seeing main Drive

Hi All,
I’m still using a HDX as my primary source as it just suits my needs/system. I tried ripping a new legitimate CD last night that was tagged as an unknown artist and album - no surprise as most newer CDs appear as this and I just edit the metadata once ripped. However, once successfully ripped, the album just disappeared - I left it some time to show, but it didn’t appear in newest nor under the unknown artist or album tags. I checked the Desktop app & again, no sign of it. I tried another newish disc and had the same results. All other rips were playing fine.
I turned the HDX off & restarted it (it took a while and was stuck on starting for ages)and it seems to now not see anything on the primary internal drive. Bizarrely all music in the downloads folder is there and plays fine, AND if I try and play anything from the main server music folder by streaming into my Sonos system they still play fine, despite nothing showing in the IOS app nor the desktop controller- the HDX still appears as an available device in the Sonos app music library section.
I tried to rip that new CD again, and this time it ripped perfectly and appeared in the newest section and as an album. It is however now the only one showing on the unit display/desktop controller/app…any ideas?? I’m worried the unit has got too hot in this heat & the drive has failed…but this seems to not be the case. Is there anyway I can get the HDX to rescan it’s main drive?

Hi, you can certainly rescan the drive. How you do this depends on which UI you use, DTC, N-Serve, browser interface or front panel?

Is your firmware up to date? This will increase the chances of a successful metadata lookup.

Have you used a non-Naim interface to make any changes to the Music folder?This can upset the database.

Do you save rips in FLAC or WAV? It takes a little while for the conversion to FLAC after ripping, and I find it best to wait until this is complete before making any edits, or even viewing or playing new CDs from the app.
If you have ripped multiple CDs it takes longer as they are held in a queue.

As you say, he definitely needs firmware 1.7c which he will have to request from Naim Technical Support as Naim still haven’t put it on their download site for some reason.

Hi Chris,
Thanks for the reply, I can use either the N-Serve app, front panel or desktop controller-The rescan option didn’t seem to be available for the main drive however. The drive status is also showing as N/A? I’m a little confused that Sonos is still seeing the music but none of the Naim interfaces are. I’d hate to have to re-rip all the CDs again, especially if they are actually still there!
I rip in Wav and don’t attempt any edits until the rip appears in the library- I’m aware rips can take some time to appear normally, but those last few just definitely disappeared completely. As far as I’m aware there was still enough drive space left to rip so I don’t think it was a case of running out of space.

Thanks David - hadn’t realised that had been released - I’m still running 1.7b - I’ll email Naim for a link

I think they will need to snail mail you an actual disc. There are copies of the software available from people here if you are in a rush. @robert_h I recall has it.

You don’t have a backup? :hot_face:

You should keep a decent amount of space empty on any drive. Naim recommend at least 4GB, which I would regard as a bare minimum.

Maybe try to rebuild the database. This is where you find it in N-Serve - I assume the DTC has this option somewhere.

Thank you so much! :pray:

Hi Chris,
Yes…I had a back up. Turns out my Son has deleted it…but that’s another thread, probably to feature on a true crime forum sometime soon.
Thanks - I was a little concerned about using the rebuild database option, but I think this may be the only way to true & get the unit to ‘re-see’ the music.

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