Headphones with Macbook

I gave it a go with a second system this year but don’t find it in that much use. Going to the office more, etc. Was thinking of moving on from it and trying some high end headphones for my macbook. It looks like the Stellia’s would work. Do I need a DAC to run out of my Macbook?


I would recommend using something like an Audioquest Dragonfly Cobalt with your MacBook - much better than the internal HP output and a very small and neat add-on.


Cool, thanks @Richard.Dane

I can confirm this,.I have had all three at the same time…
• Black
• Red
• Cobalt
Cobalt takes the best of Black and Red.

A lot of interesting ones have come out that could possibly compete with the AQ Cobalt in the last year,.but I haven’t listened to any of them.

Cool, thank you. I ordered the cobalt and Stellia’s today. Look forward to trying something new!

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I use a Fiio BTR7 which is around the price point of the Cobalt but I preferred it to the latter!

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Why not the Apple AirPods Max? The perfect partner. I tried a pair with our MacBook Air and they sounded superb. Surely the neatest solution?

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Tried them and didn’t like them too well. Also tried the Bathy’s, same result.

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