Hearing aids

Picture might help describing, she has moulds rather than cones, the tube and screw on unit come as one piece, the filter is at the blue arrow, the tube it pushed through the mould, then the excess trimmed off. When she had cones, the tube detached from the screw on unit and you could push a piece of plastic through for cleaning. She has been told this is no longer an option.

When you mentioned setting up, I recall that one part included inserting a very thin tube to a microphone into the ear cavity, then the aid. Then, played speech and music through a speaker and adjustment were made to take account of the ear cavity.

It would be worth checking with your audiologist whether there is a setting switched on that should be switched off for music to prevent this. There certainly is a setting on my Phonaks that reduce loud noises which is switched off in the music programme.



This thread seems to be perfectly timed.
I had right sided hearing loss last night - not much but noticeable at hifi.
All paired with hyperakusis and metallic own voice. I was really frightened and went to ER.
This morning all seems back to normal. Sudden hearing loss.

I will try to go down from the massive stress level.

All too much information…
I am very happy to hear that even witch degraded hearing you can listen to music and als doing so with a hearing aid.
My most fears yesterday was - giving up the hobby.

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Hoping for a good outcome for you Drago :+1:

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Thanks a lot! Much appreciated - all back to normal. But it has been shocking.
Not planning to step back from naim or you guys…!

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I got hearing aids at the end of last year. Unlike many here I went for Signia, purely because they were much more comfortable for me, that is obviously based on the shape of my ears, and I will wear them every day.
My audiologist tuned them to my specific profile and added tuned profiles for TV, live music and recorded music. I was quite stunned to find how much bass even my Qb was putting out.

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It’s a strange but normal situation, that more 30 years a go I began with naim, I could not afford the higher end stuff but my ears are fully capable of hearing. Now that I can afford it …
Like the „Porsche dilemma“ when you can afford, you can not get in and out anymore.
In my memory my 72/hc/250/SBL system in a good room was best I have ever heared. I was beginning 20s that time.

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I’ve got Oticon More aids. Yes there is a basic graphic equaliser , But your audiologist can do a setting for listening to music for you.
Rechargeable batteries,
One great advantage is that at a really loud concert is that you can turn them down as well!!
I also like the audio loop setting when at the theatre as well.
My Audiologist in Sheffield let me try about 5 different ones before deciding.
I have been to Specsavers and Boots but wasn’t happy with service provided.

Interesting, however what I was wondering about was earpieces sealed to the ear canal carrying full range sound, suitably boosted to compensate for hearing deficiency vs just thd appropriate top up delivered into the ear canal via an unsealed tube.

I joined the club one week ago. I had intermittent tinnitus since some months. The doctor said it’s very probably due because I have a loss in one ear , not big , but enough to create an imbalance. Then the ear tries to compensate and it creates tinnitus.
It’s a bit short to evaluate the hearing aids for now, but it seems to stop the tinnitus.

I have Signia pure 7ix, considered among the very best.
I have appointments every week with the audiologist. He does himself the settings . For now I can’t use the app. Not advised so soon.

When listening to music, it’s better. Have not the impression that something is not natural or bothering. We will see.

Later I will ask him to set up hd music programming, for recorded and live music.


To a very large extent the answer depends on your hearing loss. If it’s a relatively benign level of loss, you can have open domes which allow sounds in that don’t need boosting.

If you have a serious loss then you need sealed domes (“power domes”) or custom moulds (molds to US readers!) to avoid being overwhelmed by feedback whistling.

The audiologist advises on these options as he/she fit the aids to your hearing prescription.

Ah, understood, thanks. Just means that with mild hearing loss using open domes music sent direct to aids is rather limited (but given the choice it is better to have the lesser hearing loss!).

My partner has recently upgraded to the uk Boots audiologist for Phonak.
She had the in ear jobbies and now has the top of the range over ear ones with a little whisper tube.
She’s delighted and enjoying the options to Tailor sounds and especially the local Bluetooth device attached to the furthest on the table.

I find mine great from the tiniest ting of a triangle to the thud of bass.
I lost the higher frequencies so happy to get those back.

As long as you’re happy by what you hear then that’s good. Plus don’t be worried to go back and get tweaks done

That’s the wrong way to look at it. The aids will send to your ears only what you need them to send. It’s adjustable by the audiologist and there are multiple options. Don’t worry about it!

Never heared that imbalances can be the reason for tinnitus - have some ‚mild“ tinnitus since 2000.
Getting old is not for cowards :neutral_face:

Maybe that is the best upgrade option to have - my higher frequencies also have a dent, which is completely in line with my age :roll_eyes:

It’s not the only cause, there are many. I hope my doctor was not wrong.
Too soon to know.

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Crossing fingers - get well and balanced soon!

Your doctor was not wrong. Hearing loss is one of the causes of tinnitus and hearing aids may help, but it’s not certain that they will always cure it.

But if someone has ongoing tinnitus, whether they have hearing loss that could be helped with hearing aids is like a first question that a specialist will ask him/herself.