Help my Naim is leaking

It should be fine. I’ve seen many black Naim amps like that - it’s just that the lighter grey tends to really highlight it - so good it’s just on the bottom side. I’d probably be a bit more concerned if there was no thermal grease…

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Just plug it in and play the music. Most people wouldn’t even look at the bottom. The worst thing that could happen is that it doesn’t work, in which case you’d take it back. I’m sure a rub with a cloth and a little washing up liquid will sort it out. That’s what I’d do if it was mine.

Thermal grease imo , I think the grey is just showing what is sometimes just not apparent on the black finish .I’ve not seen a grey unit in the flesh but perhaps the texture allows grease creep easier .

Thanks everyone for the suggestions. Much appreciated. I think I will try to connecting it and see what happens. That will need to wait for morning. I will report back. I only looked at the bottom by accident when I got it out of the plastic wrapping, if you know what I mean.

I’m sure it will be ok, but when you’ve spent a lot of money you really do expect the thing you’ve bought to be perfect. Assuming it works fine, a little rub with washing up liquid should sort it. It shouldn’t happen, but there we are. Hopefully you got a really good discount.

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I think somebody has mistakenly used Hawk White instead of silicone grease. :grin:

Yes, it’s just thermal compound that has migrated through the cover fixings. Nothing to worry about.
As HH suggests, a mild solution of washing up liquid rung out in a microfibre cloth may help clean it up.



Thanks for the tip. That helps. The discount was almost 50 pct but the concrete colour makes it almost impossible for sell so I think it is a fair discount rather than a bargain. It is just over a third of the price of a NC 250. Naim is not so plentiful in Germany so the real bargains on OC I see in the UK are not available here. At least I won’t be tempted to upgrade the 250 DR. A big step up from the SN3 power amp.

Many thanks Neil. I have fired it up and all sounds fantastic and no plumes of smoke. Thanks for your reassurance. I just did not expect oil stains on the bottom of a piece of kit at this price point. I just wish the supplied cable was longer. Just had to switch over the 282 with the gap for the 250 due to the cable being so short and not being able to relocate the Hi-Cap.

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