Here we go again - upgrade 282 or ndx

I would have done the same if i was you and wanted to stay naim.

Well I wasn’t prepared to consider anything else. Need to keep life simple at the moment - too much noise going on around my life with family illness and other things, work being extremely hectic, and I am trying to plan for retirement too!


Bit late for this suggestion now probably, and not even sure if it’s possible, but.

Can you run a second feed from the S1, to a second amp in the loft? If so that would certainly be a great system.

And here it is:


So how does it sound? Is it better than the 282?

It’s early days yet (though I left overnight with internet radio running through it), and I actually had a day off work yesterday which meant I sat and listened to the main system for a couple of hours yesterday afternoon which is fatal for a 200-series.

Also I didn’t spend any time listening to the 282/NDX before yesterday specifically so that I would have a reference point, so some caution has to be exercised in making any comment


It is sounding very good indeed today after 24 hours on. Plenty of “boogie” factor, and a very pleasing delicate, airy sound - some lovely texture being reproduced. The nSats are sounding surprisingly good with a decent recording up them - and I don’t have any feeling that I really should be downstairs instead (like I had when I had a Nova, which had disappointed me after the SN3/NDX that I had for a while)

I suspect it’s the streaming section of the 222 that is beating the NDX rather than the pre-amp beating the 282, so I would suggest your question might be slightly misphrased. Very happy with the result - will try with NPX300 at some point, and no doubt it will only be a matter of time before hitting the NC200 but no need for now at all


Thank you! Even though it’s early days it’s an interesting observation and I get the comment about the streamer. It would be interesting to hear about comparison using a more up-to-date streamer with the 282. But to be honest it’s just for the fun of it. I really like this forum for that. The possibility to just read people’s thoughts on different pieces of hi-fi. So
Thanks again!


A week in now and it’s making very good sounds :grinning: Very happy with the change and I am confident it is an improvement.

An NDX2 may well have sounded better again but am happy with the “compromise” I have chosen

And listening to the big system doesn’t make this feel terrible at all. Different, smaller scale, but very sweet


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