Hi Cap Dr vs SuperCapDr on Snaxo 362

Hi All,

I’m currently looking at replacing my Hi Cap Dr with a SuperCapDR Dr to power my 362 Snaxo. I was wondering if anyone has done this and if the improvements were worthwhile as I’m not sure if the Snaxo would use all of the power rails on the SuperCapDR.

If i remember right, the snaxo 362 is the most demanding on power supplies off all the naim boxes,so it should make the biggest difference.
When i have run snaxo’s in my system, i always had a supercap, so I can’t really give anymore info


I can only report on the benefit of that switch on my SNAXO 242.

Quite simple; of all the PS upgrades in my entire system (HiCap to Scap, NonDR to DR etc) maximising the PS on the SNAXO had the biggest benefit.

Maybe that helps a bit.



I did this swap long time ago. When I replaced my NAC 252 with a NAC 552, I asked my dealer to switch the Hicap with the Supercap from my NAC 252 to run my Snaxo 362.
I never swapped back to the Hicap. It was a big difference in SQ.

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Much will depend on the remainder of your system - @dem1973 your profile is blank, as you may know!
Only one true answer - demo both. If that is not possible, with the above caveat, sc dr will make the snaxo sing!
Equally important at active level, is properly sorted, cable dressing, quality stands for the boxes - Fraim (?), boxes up to date with servicing and set up in the appropriate order and also serious consideration for dedicated mains circuit. What speakers are active in your system?

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I moved from HicapDR on my snaxo 362. to older olive supercap and even that was far better.


Thanks for your response. I’ve updated my profile so you can see my system. All posts seem positive and in favour of the SuperCapDR. May try and get a demo but may prove difficult on the OC stuff now I will also need to get hold of the relevant burndy. Speakers are kudos 808. No dedicated mains although I have just installed a shanyata Everest which has been the best upgrade I’ve ever done, frankly ridiculous how much my system benefited from it.

A bit late to the party here but another vote for Supercap DR on the Snaxo.

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If streaming your main or only source, would seriously consider changing your NDX2 to ND555.
I’ve done this and it’s a big step up in SQ

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I had been looking at changing the front end and had demoed the Nd555 on two occasions I was left a bit disappointed. Yes its certainly better and sounded great but the difference was smaller than I had hoped and it’s a heap of money to change. To be fair I also tried chord Dave and DCS bartock apex again both very good. I preferred my NDX2 555dr over the Dave. The DCS was tried both through my 552 pre and direct so it when through the Hicap. Quite different presentations a lot more detailed and brighter sound but lacking weight going direct. but in the end I preferred it through the 552, music had more flow to it and more weight also which I preferred. Nd555 was compared directly at the time for me was the easiest to listen to, not as Hifi as the others if that makes sense. I think i confused the dealer at this point so after some discussions he suggested the power supply hence the introduction of the Everest with this in the system I don’t currently feel the need to change the source just yet. It was easily the biggest uplift in sound against any of the above mentioned sources in my system.

whoaaa…i didn’t imagine you had 808s - great - top of my list if my S600s go into demise.
SC DR no brainer - are we to assume you have “Kudos” Snaxo?
If so then based somewhat on my own system, you will have to consider the following.

The active guru on the forum who has a lot of experience and has made some of the most detailed but readable posts on active is @Darkebear. Take the time to search and read his comments, if you wish to get the best from active, his views are invaluable. Cable dressing and box positioning are key. My sincere thanks to DB for the info - i’m at four stacks with NAP300s. While he and i have Ovators much is directly relevant.

That leads to fraims - which you may find are getting crowded on two stacks.
If you listened to ND555 in your current system, you may like to have another listen after adding SC DR.
Hardly dare mention another NAP300DR (while you can) for full active 808s - likely space on three fraims!
You didn’t list which region you are located - I only mention because I have been talking to a number of new (to me) dealers and know who is still holding active kit in some form. I have acquired a Kudos 808 Snaxo recently, in case my S600s fail (insurance concept) and I have just added passive 606s to my av system.

I have almost never suggested additional kit in my occasional(ish) posts, however with active 808s on the front - much to be gained; apologies! @TimOopNorth may be a long shortly to suggest rather than active, go S1 IIRC his latest upgrade to go with his non active 808s! You did ask though…

Just a thought - could you amend your thread heading to “Kudos” Snaxo for later searches.

:joy: I am going to suggest no such thing :blush: Part of me would have liked to go active with the 808s but the number of boxes required simply would not fit into the space I have, and my wife insists the piano is staying. So no space for more than two racks of fraim and (with the S1 pre-power combo) I am down to one rack of fraim.

A six pack of 350s would be interesting but there aren’t enough sockets (a total of 8 would be needed for snaxo, supercap, and the six boxes) making 3x500 quite a bit easier (physically if not financially). And I would find it irritating having to turn off so many boxes when going away on holiday for example. I am not going to claim that a full statement is a sensible way of reducing box numbers but… it kind of does it :wink:

To return to the op’s question, I did replace a hicap with a supercap dr on the snaxo (when I had SL2s) but I dr’d the 300s at the same time so am not really able to comment authoritatively - other than to say that I was told that the snaxo’s was the most important power supply in the entire system

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Yes, I have two DR supercaps and one non DR. The non DR is on the Superline, that being the best combination I found. Must get round to swapping the Superline Supercap for a newer DR version at some point. Just need to find some more spare change down the back of the sofa.

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