Hi-Fi demo at home

Living in far west Cornwall makes it tricky to listen to the products that I want to hear. Can you recommend a specialist dealer that posts them and lets you demo them at home?

Morning, I have noticed that a few dealers do offer a 30 day return on items purchased off the internet, it will mean paying up front but at least you will have a few weeks to try a pair of speakers in your own room then if they don’t work for you they can be returned to the seller, don’t know if this is something that may appeal to you, just an idea.

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Contact Acoustic Streams, Drift, nr. Penzance. Probably next door to you!

Mick Crayton has been my dealer for many years, knows his stuff & has many loyal clients. Excellent in my opinion.

Google for contact details.


That’s a dealer I hadn’t heard of previously, but it’s surprising that someone living in Cornwall doesn’t know of them. They have a great range for sure.

Are there particular things that you wish to hear?

Here in the deepest south west we may lack a lot of the things you virtual Londoners take for granted, so, when we do actually have one we like to keep it as secret as possible!

Seriously, Acoustic Streams are at least the equal of any dealer I have used in the areas of the country I have lived in for the past 45 years since I married, admittedly the past 38 years here in Cornwall.

Being Cornwall’s only ‘proper’ Hi- Fi dealer for some years, I believe that they are well thought of by many of the manufacturer’s.


Haha, Funny you should say that. Mike just left my home after dropping off Vertere MG for a demo. You’re right, of course; he is a really nice guy and a knowledgeable dealer. He does carry a nice variety of gear, and I always support him if possible. However, I would often like to listen to something that Mike doesn’t stock, and as you know, driving hundreds of miles is not always convenient. I have lived in Cornwall for twenty-six years. Where about in Cornwall do you live?

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Yes, I would expect to pay for any equipment up front and then return it if not wanted.

I’m in the big City!

Enjoy the demo, did you go to the Vetere running the groove tour Mick hosted last year?
Must say that if had not invested in the LP12 would have given a Vertere serious consideration.

Mick has never steered me wrong in the 10 years I have lived in Cornwall.

Being in an even more remote location than Cornwall, when I trialled Chord Dave and TT at home, all was arranged remotely by email enquiry then phone, with Nintronics (a dealer just north of London). They do quite a range of brands. At the time I didn’t even know where they were located! I had to pay in full upfront, with full refund upon return. They paid shipping to me, I had to pay it to return. I didn’t think that was unreasonable, especially as they didn’t know me from Adam (sorry Adam!), my only history having been purchase of Hugo (also remotely) a year earlier. I would happily buy from them again.


I didn’t make the groove tour, although I would have enjoyed it. Vertere makes excellent turntables. However, the Rega NAIA sounds better with my Naim gear. It all has to do with synergy. Where do you live in Cornwall?

Truro? We know it well: we used to live on the Roseland.

We live on the north coast in the village of Crantock, just outside of Newquay.

Crantock, how lucky are you? I love it over there. I moved down here from the London area twenty-eight years ago and would never move back. Are you a local/Cornish, or did you emigrate here?

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Hands up to emigrating down here from West Oxfordshire, originally from South London. Used to come down to Crantock at least once a year for a holiday so 10 years ago we took moved down permanently. Like you would never move back.

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Internet searches can be quite fruitful. There are reputable dealers all over the place who will ship for a deposit. I recently had 14 days with an integrated amp in Manchester which came from a reputable Scottish dealer. Several London ish based dealers do similar.

Had the same experience with Tom Tom when wanting to trial an nDAC, but agreed to paying £50 off refund to cover costs and postage which didn’t apply as I kept the nDAC.

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