Hi Fi reviews Translation!

I wouldn’t agree with you. It’s like good quality news. You find journalists and a news source that you can trust with no agenda. For example over here I watch PBS Newshour. If you have no interest in being well informed with quality news then of course you can watch 24hr news, facebook, twitter or for the people that couldn’t care less about facts then there is Fox.

I also think there a thousands of brands of speakers but in the upper categories of quality then it would be down to small subtleties and the listeners ear.

journalists With no agenda?

Better not state what speakers you were talking about. Bound to upset a few people who will most likely stop liking any of your posts. :joy::wink:


I am particularly impressed when people are offended on behalf of somebody else!


Well terry we will agree to disagree. Got so tired over here that last 4 years of hearing the term fake news and journalists are scum etc. As some would have it “alternative facts”. No such thing. A fact is a fact. And liar is liar.

It’s all about sourcing the truth from people you trust.

By the way, I’m not a journalist :wink:

Yes there was a challenging situation in the US, but it’s not really about inaccurate reporting that I’m referring to, it’s that journalists have to choose the business they work for and that organisation and its owners will have a position/bias e.g. In the UK The Guardian vs The Telegraph, this I think may impact the journalism. I think the same facts can be reported undistorted by two journalists but the overall presentation/message might differ :slightly_smiling_face:

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I only buy when i go to a demo evening . i never knew much about Naim. until i went
to the demo. I have not looked back.

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Many people make a career out of it.
Its a burgeoning industry sorry to say.

There is a short answer to this you have to home test speakers period!
This is the law of God and you should bow down to it!

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IMO, Hifi or any other review can be used for information gathering or an interesting diversion.

Anyone who’s bought something on the strength of a review or used a review to reinforce a purchase decision -
Translation “I don’t have the strength of mind / character to make my own decisions”

Sorry bit tongue in cheek, but truth hurts.

I thought this was an amusing light hearted post, no idea why people are taking it so seriously. Clearly I’ve missed something somewhere


I am also of the same view. A bit of light humour being taken in a far too po faced way!


It was meant to be!


This is not quite fair. There are people who have to use reviews to make a decision. I am one and its not good. For instance when i had interest in a Michell Orb T.T. there was not one to view in the entire country let alone audition. Cartridges can not be borrowed and many products are just not available even within a 1500 km radius.


And if you are not in a position to visit somewhere to audition and compare or you don’t like (or can’t afford) what accessible dealers have available ?

Comparative reviews in particular can be useful, especially if more than one, and those including measurements, and of course in conjunction with other available info including specifications.

But for speakers in particular they all leave you in the dark as to what they sound like…

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