HiCap DR worth it?

I agree completely with @dayjay regarding a Supernat 2 as I have one, and I’m fairly certain a HiCap would have a similar affect on a Supernait 3.
I couldn’t believe the difference, excellent upgrade.


Clever. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yes the hi cap comes with a Snaic 5. I wonder why it doesn’t come with a Snaic 4 as well if that is what it needs? Or is it only with integrated amps it needs a 4?
Can the hicap be used to power a Stageline at the same time?

Don’t understand, sorry.

The HICAP always needs a SNAIC5 in order to operate, so that’s what it comes with when new.

Note that the HICAP can only power one item at a time. However, if you use it to power a Naim pre-amp then many of the pre-amps have powered AUX2 inputs that can be used to power a Stageline.

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I bet the silences used to be far more inky black :wink:


A Hicap will make your SN3 sound more detailed, more focused.
Some would maybe say more hard.
Soundstage will improve.
It is like changing to a sharper lens on your camera.


Are you saying @HungryHalibut’s comment is " a bit parental ", or the original Forum Rule as penned by Richard?

Rhetorical I know…

Definitely the former
A book by Thomas Harris (I’m ok, you’re ok) explains and is a recommendation

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It’s all about the ego. :wink:

When I had the Nap 250 dr/72 the Hicap was a must now with the SN3 I am very happy without it.


Can you please clarify the cable management point?

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