HiCap DR worth it?

I wondering how much improvement a HiCap DR would make to my Supernait3?

Can’t comment on the supernait 3 but on thr supernait 2 it was well worth it, especially if you buy used


Does nobody read the Forum rules?

‘SEARCH - Please try a Search first (try various combinations of ‘key words’ from your query) before posting your query. The forum has been going in a few different incarnations for a long time now and most questions will have been asked before - some many, many times.’

Try putting Supernait 3 Hicap into the search.


Fair comment :+1:
But at the same time, sometimes it’s nice to chat about a topic.
One of the many positive aspects of this friendly forum. :wink:

Happy listening


Engineering-wise for sure the DR is the match for the SN3, but I never really noticed much of a difference sound-wise between the DR and the original in my experience, at least on my SN1 fwiw

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FWIW, I went from SN2 to SN2/HCDR and back to SN2.
Clearly an upgrade on many accounts but with my then setup I actually ended up using SN2 single.
I had HCDR from a separates Naim ie no issue with spending $, Hicap was quite expensive new, I believe its now discontinued, good prices may be had s/h.

I don’t see any police problems, some people ask questions related to their current situ, some people promote and justify their setup consist of…and are the best WW.

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I have SN3 on its own and am more than happy.
My good friend that had a big Naim box collection downsized and found big musical improvements he went SN3 and still had HICAP DRs lying about and tried one on his SN3 he just said it sounded a bit disjointed and HI-FI but on its own was much more coherent and musical so I didn’t bother either he sold them on. :thinking: :+1:t2:


Bit parental, that approach precludes recent experiences


Why not ask AL or read on Wikipedia?

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Based from my actual experience the HiCap DR is definitely an upgrade for a SN3 in all areas of its presentation. Whether that warrants the extra box, cables & money will ultimately come down to the individual’s willingness to improve on what they already have.


Let’s see if any of the additional posts about the subject on this thread add anything new to what’s already been written hundreds of times previously. Do you have anything new?

New from me I think. My experience of adding a HiCap DR to my SN3 has been positive and supported by a pleasant afternoon comparing set ups with a delightful dealer near Petworth.
Provided the Snaic cables are carefully managed there is a worthwhile improvement in bass clarity (instrument definition) and imaging across the frequency range.
I paid full price for my HiCap a couple of years ago. At todays bargain prices I would not hesitate to install the upgrade


70% of the forum is a circular non ending repetition.
Metadata lacking on my Core, which Ethernet cable, Supercap or 2X Hicap on 282, lp12 upgrades, 500 dr or 552 first, Hicap on SN or not, which cd transport, my cds3 died, what next?, which transport for Ndac, what future new Naim box do you want to be produced?, Rega or Linn, downsize boxes….


Ha ha, you are not wrong.


There are some gems though, sandpaper my stylus anyone?


or even ask jeeves!

Does the hicap need 2 leads to connect it to the SN3, a 4 pin and a 5 pin? Or just a 5 pin?

yes so you would have to buy a snaic

My HiCap sounds so much better with my SN3 hooked up to it!


The HiCap should come already supplied with its own SNAIC 5 and so you would require an additional SNAIC 4 to fully connect up to a SN.

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