HiCap Noise

Hi every one this is my first post. I’ve borrowed the following for a demo over the weekend from my dealer - NAC 282/HiCap/NAP 250. After a couple of vinyl plays I have noticed the HiCap producing what I think is transformer noise/hum. Is this normal to occur. Thanks

Yes, Naim transformers hum. The noise may be considerably louder if your mains quality is poor, so there are a few variables.

Cheers Chris. Never had it happening before with my Cyrus equipment. I know that it does happen if perhaps the torroidal Tx is not screwed down tight onto the circuit board/casing or the laminations are loose due to the alternating magnetic field. It’s only noticeable when you are up close to the unit and obviously not when the music is playing.

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Is it only the Hicap, not the 250? I suspect there might be some variation between individual units, so if the hum from the Hicap is obtrusive, maybe talk to your dealer about it.

Hi Chris - it’s definitely the HiCap. I’ve got them on demo over the weekend. Will speak to them when I take them back next Tuesday. Thanks

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