…Has anyone here…
Heard the new Hifiman HE1000 Unveiled.?
AND,.maybe compared it against the predecessor HE 1000SE.
…Has anyone here…
Heard the new Hifiman HE1000 Unveiled.?
AND,.maybe compared it against the predecessor HE 1000SE.
Nice but I suspect above my walletry capacity. I’ll stick to my Arya Stealth for now, lol.
I could not get HIFIMAN edition headphone, so I went for FIIO FT3 350 ohms costing Rs.30,000. Wow I am very happy. Nothing can beat this headphone for this price.
I am used to NAIM 32.5/140 combo with KEF R3 speakers. Almost same sound.
I was looking at the HE1000 Stealth and someone on Headfi forum mentioned the Unveiled version blows the Stealth out of the water. So I asked the dealer whom I bought my stuff from and he confirmed the Unveiled sounds much better. Unfortunately, I don’t intend to spend so much money on a pair of headphones but will listen and compare both at the store when I’m ready.
Hi …
Interesting,.you must tell me when you had the opportunity to listen to HE 1000 Unveiled.
I myself have the HE 1000SE,.which I am very happy with.
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