HiRes Tidal via Bubblesoft Server

Bubblesoft Server has been updated to support Tidal HiRes (up to 192KHz / 24 bit). I was rather hoping this would enable me to stream HiRes to my ND5XS (as an OpenHome renderer) using Bubblesoft on my Synology NAS as a buffer between the internet and the player. Alas, it still stutters every 10 seconds or so - as if I was playing a high res stream directly to the ND5XS using Bubblesoft Android as the controller. Any Bubblesoft Server experts here who could tell me what I’m doing wrong?

Go in to the Media Renderers tab and select the Tidal Maximum Audio Quality from the dropdown list. You will probably have to refresh the browser cache to see the new option so Control-Shift- R on Windows or whatever the Mac equivalent is if you’re on the dark side.

And once you’ve done that Bubble UPnP player shows it is working

As you can see from the screenshot I’m using an ND5 XS 2 rather than the ND5 XS. If you do the above and it is still stuttering, in the Bubble player app in Settings → Local and Cloud → Use Proxy ensure that is turned on. If that doesn’t work I’m at a loss, maybe it is just a limitation of the ND5 XS? All I can say is that on the ND5 XS 2 it is working flawlessly for me.

Thanks for the feedback. I have all of the settings you mention above already selected.

But, despite local buffering, I’m still getting stuttering on playback. I’ll try restarting everything.

I just tried that Doobie Brothers album to see if there was perhaps an issue with that album but it is playing absolutely fine

192 working fine for me, is 96 a limitation for the 1st gen streamer?

On the Bubblesoft Server side the options are CD quality (16/44) or maximum quality (24/192). According to the specs of the ND5XS on the Naim website, it is capable of streaming 24/192 from a DNLA server - which, in theory, it is doing.

Any news on support for Tidal Max on Naim platforms? Are they working on it all? Should be in beta by now if so I guess since others have gone live for a couple of months by now.

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