How do you use your original NDX?

If you can’t sort it, there’s the possibility to add a streamer like Primare or Ifi stream connected by Spdif to the Ndx ( used as a dac in that case). Some say it improves also the sound of the Ndx.
The Primare prisma is not very expensive ( around 600 euros). And you will have Qobuz and Tidal with no drops.

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Ndx has been returned to naim on 3 occasions from late 2022 onwards but always came back with no fault found, they did say on 2 occasions that they had done something to sort fault, but never been offered any recompense for this though.:face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Have looked at the seprate streaming transport through the dac in ndx ,I quite like the auralic series , but thought the streamer would outclass the dac as its 10 plus years old ,

Its what I use into my NDX - sounds really good.

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That wasn’t my experience but the interaction of streamer and broadband seems to cause issues.

When you have issues with Tidal have you tried connecting to it independently? You can download the Tidal app on your phone. Also may be worth changing your password to force a reconnection

Do u mean connect upnp from tiadal app on phone ,

No. Actually playing Tidal through your phone. Just to check it works independently of the Naim bits. I use the Tidal app in the car for example

Oh i see ,yes had done that a little on headphones at times and no issues,

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My NDX is my primary source. Paired with XPSdr and fed exclusively via a NAS and internet radio.

Internet radio is the only reliable part of my ndx, nas , tidal , or mconnect all faulter frequently ,

I’ve never had a single issue with NAS playback via AssetUPnP in the first 6 years I had it. It was in storage for 3 years after that. Hopefully it still works as it did when I fire it up again.

Fingers crossed, Ndx hasnt been used for a few years then ,if it still works and it hasn’t had latest software id avoid doing , thats probably what caused most issues to the NDX,

There is no good reason to avoid firmware updates. Old versions will limit functionality - in this case Tidal and some radio stations won’t work at all.

I don’t understand @Noddey . you wrote that you are frustrated by your Ndx not properly playing Tidal but in the same time you don’t want to do the updates. It’s not logical.
The updates will very probably sort out your issues and your issues are caused certainly by the non updates.


Those updates never hurt my UQ2. I keep that bang up to date and everything’s hunky dory.

Blimey , my ndx software is up to date , and only radio works :rofl::joy:

Are you able to stream locally (ie from a NAS or PC running a UPnP server?).

Only tried a nas at my friendly hifi shop , but that also froze ,

My fault, I understood the contrary. You can forgive a french I hope :grin:

Yes absolutely forgiven , :smile:

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