How is the Naim Supernait 3 this good!

Thanks Phill, that makes me feel better. I’m almost up at 12 on the 3 whilst enjoying an empty house, didn’t really get close to 11 on the 2.

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I get very jolly output at 09.00 on my S3 Dial.
I think much more isn’t really necessary.
My room is well full at this level. :scream: :+1:t2:


Might help!? I recalled 110db posting on the topic.

I read that as any NAIT post 2003 will have 16dB gain.


Apologies! I’ve checked on naim website and both have 130mv input sensitivity so maybe tge gain has been changed to sidestep the potential channel imbalance on the vol pot? I certainly noted the same when moved from a 2 to a 3.


I used to run my 2 most of the time around 9, if I was being enthusiastic around 10-10.5. With the new 3 I averaging 10-10.5 and being enthusiastic around 11.5. I’m confused by it also.

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I wonder if it’s an input gain or something to be different.
09.00 is pretty party mode here.
Are all your sources the same level ?

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Pretty much, ND5XS2 around 10-11 and RP8/Superline around 11.5-12.

I was thinking just maybe the turntable slightly quieter.
Strange that even line inputs seem less.
I’ve no experience with S2 is all else the very same. :thinking:

Yes all else the same. Been like it since new a few weeks ago.

It’s not an issue, just having had Naim for somewhere like 30 yrs not used to having volume dial in that position. :joy:


Yes, correct.

The SuperNait pre-amp gain changed going from SN1 to SN2

  • SN1 pre-amp gain = 22dB
  • SN2 and SN3 pre-amp gain = 16dB

The later poster stated this difference is between his SN2 and SN3
I’ve no knowledge of previous but my SN3 is not lacking in delivery at 09.00.


I wonder if the volume knob is put on at the right angle?

The knob fits on splines.

To check:

  • Mute the amp
  • Turn volume to min and look at the angle compare to pointing down
  • Turn the volume up to max, and again look at the angle compare to pointing down
  • Each end stop should be close to being symmetrical compared to pointing down.

If it is on the wrong spline, the knob can be pulled off and put on the next spline. Pull the knob off gently as the volume LED is wrapped around the spline.


thanks, never thought to check that, but will later and feedback.

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I tried to get an answer as the info didn’t add up. :wink: :+1:t2:

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oh dear, I really wrote that too :grinning:


You noticed that one. :wink: :rofl:

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