How is the Naim Supernait 3 this good!

Hi Guys,

I have had a Naim Supernait 3 for a few years now and can’t get enough of it. I have auditioned many other integrated in its price range and at exceedingly higher prices, but keep coming back to the Naim Supernait 3 and feeling right back at home when it’s back in the system. Everything just sounds SOOO right, it is so fast (PRAT is the most pronounced on this Naim amp) and yet so musical at the same time I just can’t bring myself to having anything else as I have felt everytime I swap it for something else I’m just missing the magic that I got with the Supernait 3.

Whats your guys experiences?


Good news: you can spend lots of money upgrading your source without being restricted by the quality of your amp.

If you want more SuperNait, add 2 hicaps, a Snaxo and a Nap 250 and it keeps the magic of your SuperNait but gives more boxes and you can drive your loudspeakers actively if they support that.

What not to like?!


How I do agree it just hits all the spots with emotion and musicality.
I was keen to maybe add a hi cap at later date but my mate downsized from a Naim Lego collection and still had a Hi cap lying around spare and he preferred the sound of the Supernait on its own so I didn’t bother and he sold it.
No regrets here I couldn’t imagine needing more in a domestic environment. :heart_eyes: :+1:t2:


I agree the SN3 is fantastic with or without a HicapDR etc. However I don’t think you can use more than one HiCap. SuperCapDr instead of a HiCapDr yes for sure.


One hicap for the SuperNait, one for the Snaxo.

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I’ve currently got my SN3 standing in for my NAC552/NAP500 while the preamp is away being serviced. It’s doing a good job too, although after two weeks I find there is a degree of clarity and sheer presence that I miss. But that is comparing the SN3 with a combination costing £50k more. It’s probably the biggest bargain in the range at the moment.


SN3 is one of the sweetest amps Naim have ever made. It is such an emotional ampifier. Enjoy!:fire:


One thing I’ve always wondered. What is the upper limit of the SN3 in relations to Source? I swear the better the source the more better the SN3 sounds. Where does diminishing returns kick in with the SN3? Tricked out LP12? ND555? SuperCapDR? Superlumina loom?

Sometimes it’s hard to imagine it gets better moving up the ladder.


I’m pretty sure someone on here runs a NDS into a SN3.


This fronts my Supernait 3 into Kudos X3 speakers.
Linn LP12, Karousel, Keel, Ekos SE/1, Kandid, K-Radikal 2, Urika. :heart_eyes:


Awesome setup you have there. I’m sure your SN3 just sounds amazing.


I’d love to get a SuperCap DR on mine :grin:


For sure at least of couple of folks have the NDS into a SN3.

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Thank you.
I’ve never missed out on any of the upgrade effects using the Integrated amp in line.
In fact I enjoy it much more now than I did with a box collection.
Just enjoy the music. :+1:t2:


I can absolutely agree here guys :+1:
The SN 3 is a fantastic amp. Together with an LP12 he delivers the wonderful PRAT we all love. I added a HC DR after 3 months because for me there was then a listenable improvement especially in the phono section. I have a 2021 Majik and I am more than content. I also tested a Supercap that didn’t convince me. So everything is fine for me and I just can enjoy my music without being in the Upgraditis rollercoaster. :wink:


So true!! From what I can tell it would cost quite a bit to improve on the SN3/HiCapDr combo.


Great amp.IF you are so happy why kill the majic.ADD NOTHING.


Agree - I’ve got a SN3 hooked up to a mid range LP12 and it sounds absolutely fantastic. No desire or even curiosity to add a HiCap (which I have no doubt would improve it further).

I love the simplicity of the system using the built in MM phono stage. Low box count. It does detail and subtlety, sound stage and separation and is capable of pounding out deep powerful bass. However, I never find myself analysing the sound - it’s wonderfully immersive, engaging and just gets my head bobbing. Brilliant amp and wouldn’t swap it for any other integrated or multiple box alternatives.


Not these days. You can pretty easily buy a a 282/250DR for under $5,000. That’s a large upgrade in preamp and amplifier for under $2k-ish after selling the SN3. The SN3/HiCap DR combo is very good though.


I agree. It’s possible, however here in North America it’s still not easy to find second hand Naim gear. Speaking for myself, I’m so happy with my SN3/HiCapDr combo changing it just isn’t in the cards for me right now (famous last words)