How many people use a sub(s) for 2 channel?

Kind of funny that Dynaudio’s headquarters are on Swedenroad in Skanderborg, Denmark, no longer than six hours’ journey by car from where I live :smile:


Oh, I’m a huge fan of Dynaudio. That’s all I’ve had in the last 25 years. My Confidence C2 Platinum are the third pair of Dyns I’ve had in my main system. My office system uses an old pair of Audience 52SE and the home theater system is a 5.1 setup of Dynaudio Audience speakers.

I have no desire to change from my C2 Platinum.


Yes, they really have very skilled craftsmen in Denmark who build the speakers from scratch with components that Dynaudio manufactures themselves, I think it’s a very good choice you’ve made. Dynaudio has an outstanding reputation here in the Nordics.

My Confidence C2 Platinum were entirely manufactured in Denmark. And yes, they design and make all their own drivers, crossovers, etc. in-house.

However, now they are assembling some of the newer models in China. Same thing with REL. It used to be all of it was manufactured in the UK, like my R-328. But now they are also assembling in China, like my S/510. Even Naim is now building product outside of the UK.

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Hi Broomy, what power cables and lead cables do, you use? I use powerlines in main system but standard stock for the Rel subs and use a blue cable from sub to 552 power supply.

Curious on options to improve further…

I have to say my system sounds pretty flat without the subs…


Yes, I know, unfortunately it is a development that applies to many brands, China that is, but I was thinking more about Dynaudio’s more expensive speakers, they are still manufactured in Denmark. At the fair in Malmö last fall, I spoke with one of Dynaudio’s development engineers, they make sure to keep an eye on the manufacturing in China, but I understood between the lines that the decision is not so popular at all levels.

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I think in my Hifi system the only parts assembled in China are the REL subs.

Clearaudio in Germany also makes everything in-house and by hand.

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Hi @IWCDoppel

I use two Graham Audio passive subs, Sub 3.
I have never measured anything and never feel the need to do so. YMMV.

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Hi there, I have replaced the standard stock power lead with a Titan Eros Power Lead, there are great for components requiring high current and do not cost the earth. As for the Hi Line cable, I managed to purchase an Audioquest cable which was ex-dem designed for REL subs, changing these two cables made a huge difference to my ears.


I’ve never measured either. I let the music guide me and over a year and half I have settled on settings that work well for everything from solo lute or violin music, to the wall of brass in Bruckner symphonies. And yes, subs add improvements even for things like solo lutes and violins, etc. They help bring oiut the ambient cues recorded in the music.

Adding a pair of stereo subs not only brings deeper and better bass, but contributes very significantly to laser-focused multi-dimensional soundstage and better realism in the listening room. Soundstage improvement is often one of the most surprising things to those who migrate to a stereo pair of subs from none or one.


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