How Much Have You Invested In Cables

PS. I omitted my Graham’s Hydra - 4 way - £175.

The most I’ve ever spent on a single wire purchase is probably the naca5. £300? Don’t recall but not much more than that.
Total of the cables currently in use circa £500. There are perfectly adequate cables in the Naim boxes. Add a snaic4. I made my own 10 socket mains extension for about £50.
Definitely not anywhere close to £1k in total.
The price per metre of “raw” superlumina speaker cable is … a secret but I looked it up in efacs!

Yes, I doubt many cable purchases are investments. I’m not knocking spending money on good cables though.

In my current system:

Hydra ~£200
Chord Optical cable £60
Designacable Network cable £60
NACA5 I think it was £4.5 pm when I last bought some

Everything else was bundled with a box from Naim

Pretty good job being shocked by owning Chord Signature + Tuned Aray :laughing:

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Okay here goes!

Sarum Tuned Aray PL on the Xerxes
4 x Powerlines on CDS3/Superline/282/250 (all 2nd hand)
1 x Superlumina CDS3>282
Chord Odyssey 250>Titans

Everything else as provided by Naim.

Only if you apply the definition of investment as it relates to finance. I consider the purchase of my cables an investment as defined by the Cambridge Dictionary - " the act of putting money or effort into something to make a profit or achieve a result".

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Current speaker cable - Tellurium Q Black 2. 2 X 16+M. £1200 then, but rather more now. Getting longer A5 to replace old A5 would have been c.£200 cheaper but more work to get round the room.

Multiple lines of hefty cable (with CU and Henley block) on a dedicated radial - more than £500 in total.

Grahams Hydra to power all Naim boxes from a dedicated socket - under £100, a long time ago.

Other cables - the best ones cannot be discussed here. I could have sent cables back to Witch Hat and received well over £2K in refund, but I didn’t.

I now have 2 redundant Hi-lines in a drawer somewhere.

Other threads have vigorous arguments that cables deliver ‘different’, but above a certain (usually ill-defined) price level cannot possibly deliver better sound. The arguments look robust, but that’s not what my ears hear.

Overall, that means total cable spend is nearly 5% of new-for-old replacement value or more like 10% of what I have actually spent on hi-fi (mostly very second-hand) over the last 30 years.

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My various Naim cables add up to £14,787, which I might as well round up to £15,000 to include network cables … … … Blimey, how did that happen? :astonished:


There’s a Swedish expression of it that goes “Många bäckar små bildar en stor å” which according to Google translates to something like “out of little acorns grow huge oaks” or “many small brooks make a strong river” :man_shrugging: :slightly_smiling_face:

I recon they slither in at the dead of night.

There is no way I would knowingly spend that much on cables……is there?

£300 …roughly.


53k? Have you ever considered you may not be well?


Funniest post for many a month.

There is, and you have, almost, judging from your profile.

Sneaky, slithery, things, that they are. :wink:

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This for our extension, it was quite satisfying buying it by the drum… but kudos to people who spend multiple 000’s on cables as I can only imagine that every single financial duck is fully in line and present to be able to do that.


Ca 1500£

I have no idea what I’ve spent on cables over the years…I know it’s a lot.

Currently using.
Audience FrontRow Speaker cables 3.5m
Audience FrontRow Speaker Jumper cables
Audience FrontRow Balanced Interconnect 1m
Audience FrontRow USB 1.5m
Audience AU24SX Coax Digital, 2 for dual BNC setup
Shunyata Alpha XC V.2 1.75m 1 For Shunyata Denali to wall
Shunyata Alpha NR V.2 1.75m 2
Shunyata Delta EF 1.75m
REL Bassline Blue 4m

I’d add that I always try and sell on previous cables to help fund the newer ones.


I feel that a better question might be “What percentage of our system costs was spent on cables?”. 20% in my case. Worth every penny and that’s all that matters to me.


my latest interconnects was DIY by re-using a pair of old lavenders terminated with Eichman Bullet RCAs. NACA5. network cables was DIY with Excel and Telegartners (many thanks to Naim Forum). power cables also DIY with Furutech parts.

You have to be very careful with soldering when DIY, suitable solder with right temperature. no excessive heating and no messy joints. I think this is more important than the actual cable.

I still remember Jean Hiragas listening test of different solders in Le Audiophile in the 80s :slight_smile: I think they preferred Multicore LMP with 2% silver.