How reliable is audio memory?

Well I was just trying to be humble. :joy:

Are these the Troels Gravesen CNO4 as in your profile and profile pic?

I better update that. It’s these.


Crisp looking speakers.

Do you prefer them to your last speakers?

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Yep. I found the hard way that more expensive is not always better.

I once read a fascinating scientific explanation of how our memory works.

We are constantly editing and modifying our memories of everything - all without being aware that we’re doing this. When we remember something, we’re not actually remembering the original event at all, although we think we are. We’re remembering the last time that we remembered it. This means that over time the constant edits, inaccuracies and modifications to our memories get compounded so that we can end up with a memory of something that is actually significantly different to the reality.

For example, I haven’t heard an LP12 or Kans for more than 40 years. I believe I remember exactly what they sounded like. But I’m sure that if I heard them again today, exactly as they were back then, I would be quite shocked at how inaccurate my recollection of them was.


Interesting topic, I suspect there is a bit of confirmation bias going on, the speakers sounded just like you wanted them to sound, ie, how you remembered them to sound. Of course, technically, they did sound identical on both occasions as nothing had changed.

The brain likes to play tricks.

Why would it do that?

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Id like to think that hearing is a rather finely tuned important (evolutionarily speaking) sense for a hunter gatherer species. I think it’s probably quite important to be able to accurately recall sounds of friend and foe under a dense jungle canopy etc. If the brain tricks us as much as people like to say so, how the heck did we ever survive as a species?

If they sound the way i wanted them to sound, why didn’t the previous pair sound the way I wanted them to sound?

I’m interested in how confirmation bias sometimes helps confirm someone else’s theory but sometimes helps the observer…?

As much as I want my system to sound like a statement, I just can’t make it happen… Maybe my hearing is just actually hearing what I’m hearing… hmm… If you hear me.

Have you heard the Disney land experiment?

People that had visited Disney land were asked if they remember seeing Bugs Bunny at the entrance. Most stated yes and some were even able to describe the suit he was wearing.

Bugs bunny is of course not at Disney land as he is a Warner brothers character. Implanted memories are really interesting. I’m sure we’ve all been guilty.

I’m always suspicious of blokes that are good story tellers… I listen and enjoy but all the while I’m wondering exactly how much of what I’m listening to is complete bullshit…


I think we do have audio memory and this was brought home to me yesterday somewhat unexpectedly.
I played a John Lee Hooker album last night, which I last played through my previous Linn based system a good few years ago and which I remember sounding great on that system. I played it to death in that system, so haven’t played it recently.
Last night there were details in the music and inflexions in his voice which I know I had never heard before. Truly stunning and much more “Live” or “Real”
I’m probably going to play it to death again! ………Figuratively speaking :slightly_smiling_face:

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I knew two guys at work that were exactly like this. They were incredibly entertaining to listen to - if you were in the mood, but the general consensus among colleagues was that they were bullsh—s. But they were interesting bullsh–s!

Which one?

I didn’t have a memory of the sound as such - maybe because the character was not very similar to my own speakers, just doing it better. Getting them (actually not the SE version), they are indeed better at everything.

There are two hifi sounds of which I have specific memories: one from 1969, the first time I heard real bass (from a makeshift temporary speaker while assembling my first system - significantly better bass than the final product!). The other is from almost 20 years ago, playing my then system in the garden, speakers 60ft or more from significant reflecting surfaces, taking the room out of the equation, with an exquisite sound as a result. But thinking about that latter event I’m not sure I’m remembering a sound as such, maybe more the feeling and enjoyment of the sound, its clarity and openness and naturalness - closing my eyes when listening some 25ft from where the speakers were positioned about 15ft apart, only vegetation behind and to the side of them, I could “see” the artists in front of me, whether a band or orchestra.

It was Chill Out. I always thought it was perhaps a little polite and polished in the Linn system, but last night it took on a totally different feel. Much more dynamic and very much more detailed but still chilled in a good way.

You have a much better system now.

I’ll give it a spin tonight.

Indeed, it would be a little depressing if it had sounded the same in view of the difference in the systems.(Albeit that the Linn system was an active tri- amped set up) It was the low key numbers which stood out. Also, the realistic and natural portrayal ofspoken interaction with the band and sound engineers during and between numbers added significantly to the live feel.
Certainly , from my perspective proves Mark’s point as I had never experienced that level of detail previously.
Sorry or the thread diversion Mark. The speakers look great (As always) I hope you are enjoying the fruits of your labour.

Not necessarily BS. The interest in a story includes embellishments that the teller adds. While not the complete truth, the basic story is accurate.